Dr. Yaniv Larish specializes in micro-surgery to reverse vasectomies. Dr. Larish performs vasectomy reversal micro-surgery at Gramercy Surgery Center. This state of the art facility utilizes the most modern and advanced high quality surgical microscope, micro-instruments and the most highly trained nurses and support staff. Dr. Larish has helped many men successfully reverse their vasectomies.… Continue Reading

Will Vasectomy Reversal Work for You?

Vasectomy reversal provides an opportunity for men to once again have the opportunity to have children. Vasectomies themselves are most commonly thought of as permanent procedures. And, that is true for many situations. They can be hard to reverse and as a result should be considered a permanent situation for men. However, vasectomy reversal has… Continue Reading

What Is Vasovasostomy?

When it comes to determining the best type of vasectomy reversal, your doctor will work closely with you to make the best decisions possible. There are several types of procedures your doctor may decide to use. Which one he or she selects depends on what happens during the surgical procedure. One of the options is… Continue Reading

How Does Vasectomy Reversal Happen?

The vasectomy reversal procedure is not necessarily the most invasive procedure and overall risks to it are lower than some procedures. However, it is the type of procedure that requires an experienced and well trained doctor. The procedure is one that can be successful in restoring your ability to ejaculate with sperm, but it is… Continue Reading

What Is Vasoepididymostomy?

When it comes to having vasectomy reversal, many men wonder if there is an option and opportunity to go through with the procedure. If you’ve had a vasectomy, you’ve made the decision to change the way your body functions to prevent sperm from being released. However, many men change their minds down the road, such… Continue Reading

Second Attempt at Vasectomy Reversal

Why Does Vasectomy Reversal Fail? Vasectomy reversal may fail the first time when the procedure is not performed using microsurgical techniques. Other times, a vasectomy reversal failure may be associated with vasectomy outside of an accredited operating room, or a failure to perform the operation under general anesthesia. These are several reasons that you must… Continue Reading

Vasectomy Reversal Surgery

What Your Should Know About Fertility After Vasectomy: Men generally want a vasectomy reversal in order to conceive a child with their partner. It’s important to realize that the sperm count may not return to normal for several months after a vasectomy, because sperm have a 90-day life cycle. It’s also important to realize that… Continue Reading

Preparation for a Vasectomy Reversal Procedure

Cost If you are considering a vasectomy reversal, you probably have a lot of questions. Most patients want to know how much the procedure costs, as it is usually not covered by insurance. In general, a vasectomy reversal is performed at an outpatient surgical center under general anesthesia, and because the procedure can vary in… Continue Reading

Erectile Dysfunction

What is Erectile Dysfunction? Erectile dysfunction is an inability to achieve and sustain an erection that is adequately firm to engage successfully in sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction may affect half of American men between the ages of 40 and 70. Occasional erection difficulties do not constitute erectile dysfunction, and are experienced about 20% of the… Continue Reading

Success Rates of Vasectomy Reversal

Vasectomy reversal, whether you require a vasovasostomy or vasoepididymostomy, is a significant procedure and one that requires a careful decision. If you have had a vasectomy and now wish to restore your fertility, you may be considering a vasectomy reversal. All patients who are considering this option should be aware of the potential for successful… Continue Reading

Comparison of Vasectomy Reversal With Other Methods of Conception After Vasectomy

Assisted Reproductive Technologies Millions of couples with fertility problems have been able to conceive with the help of assisted reproductive techniques. These technologies require harvest of both sperm from the male partner and the eggs from the female partner to succeed. After collection, the sperm and egg are examined to ensure that they are healthy,… Continue Reading

Before Vasectomy Reversal Surgery

Some Things to Consider Before Surgery: The decision to reverse a vasectomy is not a decision to take lightly, but couples often decide to attempt vasectomy reversal when they make the decision to add a child to their family. There are several things that you should consider when you decide to have a vasectomy reversal.… Continue Reading

Post Vasectomy Reversal Semen Check

Will I Be Required to Have a Semen Check? Yes, in most circumstances your urologist may want to have your semen checked after your vasectomy reversal procedure. Often your urologist will recommend your return within 4-8 weeks after the surgery if a standard vasectomy reversal was done. If a Vasoepididymostomy was performed it is preferable… Continue Reading

Microsurgical Vasoepididymostomy Vasectomy Reversal Surgery in NYC

Vasoepididymostomy What is it? Vasoepididymostomy is a surgical procedure which is performed to reverse a vasectomy, which has some complications, such as a blockage. This surgical procedure involves the connection of the severed vas deferens to the epididymis and is much more technically demanding than the Vasovastomy. A Vasovastomy involves a simple incision, while the… Continue Reading

Vasectomy Reversal Complications

Vasectomy Reversal Complications When you have done your research, sought out answers to your questions and chose the most experienced and highly skilled vasectomy reversal specialist, your chances of developing complications are rare. The reality is complications do happen depending upon how long you waited to have the reversal done after your vasectomy, your age,… Continue Reading

Recovery after Vasectomy Reversal Surgery

You have had your pre-op appointment with your urologist; necessary tests done, you have talked with the urology surgeon and the anesthetist concerning your Vasectomy Reversal. You were wondering how long the procedure may take and what the recovery period will entail. Through your consultations you learned what is expected, but let’s review the post-op… Continue Reading

Yaniv Larish, MD 4 East 76th Street New York, NY 10021 (646) 862-5500 Continue Reading

What is Vasectomy Reversal? Vasectomy surgery entails cutting the vas deferens to prevent sperm from entering the ejaculate in order to produce long term sterility. (click to enlarge) Vasectomy reversal micro-surgery entails reconnecting the two ends of the vas deferens utilizing a surgical microscope, micro-instruments and micro-sutures in order to allow the sperm to enter… Continue Reading