Dr. Yaniv Larish specializes in micro-surgery to reverse vasectomies.

Vasectomy Reversal NYC Couple with Baby 10

Dr. Larish performs vasectomy reversal micro-surgery at Gramercy Surgery Center. This state of the art facility utilizes the most modern and advanced high quality surgical microscope, micro-instruments and the most highly trained nurses and support staff.

Dr. Larish has helped many men successfully reverse their vasectomies.

Call today for a consultation:

(646) 862-5500

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Category Archives: Urology

Choosing the Right Urologist for a Vasectomy Reversal: Key Factors to Consider

Choosing the right urologist for your vasectomy reversal is a critical decision that can significantly impact the outcome of the procedure. With so many factors to consider, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. In this blog, we will outline the key factors to consider when selecting a urologist for your vasectomy reversal to help you make an informed decision.

Choosing the Right Urologist for a Vasectomy Reversal

Experience and Expertise

Specialization in Vasectomy Reversal

When selecting a urologist, it is essential to choose someone who specializes in vasectomy reversal. A urologist with extensive experience in performing this specific procedure is more likely to achieve successful outcomes. Look for a specialist who has completed numerous vasectomy reversals and has a proven track record of success.

Board Certification and Training

Ensure that the urologist you choose is board-certified and has undergone specialized training in microsurgery and male fertility. Board certification indicates that the urologist has met rigorous standards and possesses the necessary skills and knowledge to perform vasectomy reversals.

Success Rates and Patient Reviews

Proven Success Rates

Ask the urologist about their success rates for vasectomy reversal procedures. Success rates can vary based on factors such as the time elapsed since the vasectomy and the surgical technique used. A reputable urologist should be transparent about their success rates and provide you with realistic expectations.

Patient Testimonials and Reviews

Reading patient testimonials and reviews can provide valuable insights into the urologist’s expertise and patient care. Look for reviews from patients who have undergone vasectomy reversal with the urologist you are considering. Positive reviews and success stories can give you confidence in your choice.

Surgical Techniques and Technology

Advanced Surgical Techniques

Microsurgery is the gold standard for vasectomy reversal, offering higher success rates and minimal tissue damage. Ensure that the urologist is skilled in advanced microsurgical techniques such as vasovasostomy and vasoepididymostomy. These techniques require precision and expertise to reconnect the vas deferens effectively.

State-of-the-Art Technology

A well-equipped surgical facility with state-of-the-art technology is crucial for the success of vasectomy reversal. Advanced microscopes, fine sutures, and specialized instruments enhance the precision of the procedure. Inquire about the technology and equipment used by the urologist and their surgical team.

Communication and Patient Care

Clear Communication

Effective communication between you and your urologist is essential throughout the vasectomy reversal process. The urologist should take the time to explain the procedure, answer your questions, and address any concerns you may have. Clear and open communication ensures that you are well-informed and confident in your decision.

Comprehensive Patient Care

Choosing a urologist who provides comprehensive patient care is vital for a smooth and successful experience. This includes pre-operative consultations, detailed post-operative instructions, and regular follow-up appointments. A urologist who is dedicated to your well-being will support you throughout your fertility restoration journey.

Cost and Insurance

Understanding the Costs

Vasectomy reversal can be a significant financial investment. It’s important to understand the costs involved and what is included in the surgical fee. Some urologists offer package deals that cover pre-operative consultations, the surgery itself, and follow-up appointments.

Insurance Coverage

Check with your insurance provider to determine if vasectomy reversal is covered under your plan. Some insurance policies may cover part or all of the procedure. The urologist’s office may also offer financing options to help manage the cost.

Conclusion: Finding the Right Urologist for a Vasectomy Reversal

Choosing the right urologist for your vasectomy reversal is a crucial step in your journey to restoring fertility. By considering factors such as experience, success rates, surgical techniques, patient care, and cost, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your needs and goals.

For expert guidance and comprehensive care for your vasectomy reversal, contact:

Yaniv Larish, MD
4 East 76th Street
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (646) 862-5500

Dr. Yaniv Larish is dedicated to providing personalized care and advanced surgical techniques to help you achieve your family planning goals. Schedule a consultation today to explore your options and take the first step toward restoring your fertility.

The Role of a Urologist in Vasectomy Reversal: Finding the Right Specialist

What is the role of a urologist in a vasectomy reversal? When considering vasectomy reversal, finding the right urologist is essential for a successful outcome. A skilled and experienced urologist can provide the expertise, guidance, and support needed throughout the entire process. In this blog, we will discuss the crucial role of a urologist in vasectomy reversal and provide valuable insights on how to find the right specialist for your needs.

Urologist in Vasectomy Reversal 2023

Why Choose a Skilled Urologist to reverse Your Vasectomy?

Vasectomy reversal is a complex surgical procedure that requires a high level of expertise and precision. A skilled urologist who specializes in male reproductive health and microsurgery is best equipped to perform this delicate procedure. With their extensive knowledge and experience, urologists can navigate the intricacies of vasectomy reversal, ensuring optimal results and minimizing potential risks.

Qualifications to Look for in a Urologist

When searching for a urologist to perform your vasectomy reversal, several qualifications and credentials are worth considering. Look for a urologist who is board-certified, indicating that they have met rigorous standards in their field. Additionally, consider their specialization in male reproductive health and their experience specifically in performing vasectomy reversals. A urologist who regularly performs these procedures is more likely to have refined their skills and achieved successful outcomes.

Expertise in Microsurgical Techniques

Microsurgical techniques play a significant role in vasectomy reversal. These advanced surgical approaches require exceptional precision and skill. When choosing a urologist, inquire about their experience with microsurgery and their familiarity with the specific techniques used in vasectomy reversal, such as vasovasostomy and vasoepididymostomy. A urologist who is well-versed in microsurgical techniques can optimize the chances of success for your procedure.

top urologist for male vas reversalsPersonalized Approach and Compassionate Care

A successful vasectomy reversal journey involves more than just surgical expertise. Look for a urologist who adopts a personalized approach, taking the time to understand your unique situation, concerns, and goals. A compassionate urologist will provide comprehensive support and guidance throughout the process, ensuring that you feel comfortable and confident in your decision.

Finding the Right Urologist for Your Vasectomy Reversal

When searching for a urologist to perform your vasectomy reversal, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and consider multiple factors. Seek recommendations from trusted sources, such as your primary care physician or friends who have undergone successful vasectomy reversals. Read online reviews and testimonials to gather insights into other patients’ experiences.

Role of a Urologist in Vasectomy Reversal: Conclusion

Choosing the right urologist is paramount when considering vasectomy reversal. Dr. Yaniv Larish, an esteemed urologist in New York City, possesses the qualifications, experience, and dedication to help you achieve your goal of restoring fertility. With his expertise in male reproductive health, specialization in microsurgery, and commitment to personalized care, Dr. Larish is an excellent choice for your vasectomy reversal needs.

Yaniv Larish, MD
4 East 76th Street
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (646) 862-5500

Dr. Larish’s comprehensive support and guidance will ensure that you feel confident and well-cared for throughout your vasectomy reversal journey. Take the first step towards regaining your fertility and achieving your family goals by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Larish.

Disclaimer: This blog post is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Please consult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized guidance regarding vasectomy reversal and your specific medical needs.

What Procedures do Urologists Perform to Male Genitalia?

There are quite a few procedures urologists perform to male genitalia. Most of these procedures are minor but require a lot of techniques that only urologists are familiar with. Most of these procedures help in treating urological conditions, and a professional urologist can perform them. Mentioned below are a few procedures urologists perform for male genitalia.

What Procedures do Urologists Perform to Male Genitalia?


Cystoscopy is a urologic procedure in which the urologist examines the lining of the urethra and bladder. The urologist uses a cystoscope by inserting it into the urethra. It goes all the way to the bladder. A Cystoscope is a long thin tube that has a light and camera attached at the end. They perform a cystoscopy procedure to diagnose and treat all bladder conditions, and it is also used to diagnose an enlarged prostate.


Vasectomy is one of the most popular procedures carried out on the male genitalia. The procedure involves stopping or cutting off the supply of sperm to the semen. They do this by cutting and then sealing the vas deferens. The vas deferens holds the sperm from the testicles. This is an outpatient procedure that lasts for around 10-30 minutes. Around 500,000 men get vasectomies in the US, according to the American Urological Association

Vasectomy Reversal

Vasectomy reversal is another urological procedure that men opt for after getting a vasectomy. A vasectomy stops the supply of sperm through which you cannot get pregnant. However, if a man decides later on that he want to get pregnant, he can opt for a reversal procedure, known as vasectomy reversal. But even so, this procedure does not guarantee complete fertility. The procedure involves microsurgical techniques that repair the vas deferens to restore fertility.


Orchiopexy is also a urological surgical procedure that helps repair an undescended testicle. In the procedure, the urologist moves the testicle from the groin area or the abdomen into the scrotum. The next step involves attaching the testicle to the scrotum with the help of a tacking stitch.

Penile Implants or Prosthesis

Penile implants or prostheses are types of devices that are placed inside the penis. This device allows men with erectile dysfunction to get an erection. The penile implant device is usually only put if other ED treatments don’t work. Like if a man with a Peyronie disease isn’t able to get an erection due to the curvature of the penis, they then will be recommended to get a penile implant or prosthesis by a urologist.

Penile Plication

Penile Plication is a surgical procedure that helps treat the curvature of the penis, which is caused by Peyronie’s disease. Penile Plication is an outpatient procedure that involves placing permanent sutures on the opposite side of the scarring where the curvature of the penis occurs.

Male Circumcision

Male circumcision is quite a common procedure also carried out by urologists. This procedure involved the removal of the skin covering the penis top, also known as the foreskin. This procedure is usually performed on newborn babies all around the world. Some tend to get it done at a later age too.

What Procedures do Best Urologists Perform to Male Genitalia?

Prostate Procedures

Urologists perform numerous prostate procedures for men. This helps diagnoses and treat prostate conditions. Some of the procedures include:

  • Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP): This is a small procedure in which the urologist uses a resectoscope, which is a special instrument designed to turn and seal the prostate tissue. This is done when the prostate tissue is enlarged and causes difficulty in urination.
  • Transurethral Incision of the Prostate (TUIP): This is a procedure that helps treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This procedure involves the urologist inserting a small endoscope through the urethra also using other special instruments to create a small opening in the bladder neck. This is where the prostrate is connected and opens the urinary channel so that urine can easily pass.
  • Uro Lift: Uro lift is a small procedure carried out in-office to treat prostate enlargement that’s mild to moderate.
  • Transurethral needle ablation (TUNA): This procedure involves using radiofrequency ablation to shrink the prostate tissue that presses into the urethra and that causes urinary symptoms.
  • Prostate Biopsy: This procedure involves removing samples of tissue from the prostate. This is usually done for examination in a lab.

What Procedures do Urologists Perform to Male Genitalia? Final Words

Hopefully, with the help of this article, you are now familiar with the main procedures urologists perform on male genitalia. If you’re looking to undergo a safe and proper vasectomy, vasectomy reversal, or any other urological procedure then get in touch with Dr. Yaniv Larish today.

Yaniv Larish, MD
4 East 76th Street
New York, NY 10021
(646) 862-5500

What Doctors Can Perform Vasectomy Reversals?

What doctors can perform vasectomy reversals? Urologists often perform vasectomy and vasectomy reversals. Vasectomy reversal is a surgical procedure that includes reattachment of vas deferens so the sperms can mix with the semen. Semen without sperms won’t cause pregnancy.

Many men decide to undergo vasectomy but they change their minds afterward. They can undergo reversals and return their ability to cause pregnancy.  Urologists perform these surgical procedures to treat reproductive conditions.

What Doctors Can Perform Vasectomy Reversals?

While performing vasectomy reversal, the surgeon or urologist makes tiny incisions on the scrotum skin. This exposes both ends of the vas deferens. The doctor conducts microsurgery to separate the tube from other organs and joins both ends.

What is a Urologist?

Urologists receive a specialization in treating and diagnosing diseases in the urinary system. A urinary system eliminates fluid waste and other toxins from the body. Urologists treat the reproductive system as well and cure infertility. Here are some body organs they are experienced in:

  • Ureters
  • Bladder
  • Urethra
  • Kidneys
  • Vas deferens
  • Testes

Since the urinary system in both males and females connects with the reproductive system, they receive a specialization in this field as well. Furthermore, they also treat conditions related to the adrenal glands. Adrenal glands produce hormones to regulate blood pressure, immune system, and metabolism. Urologists refer to reproductive and urinary systems as genitourinary. This refers to the conditions, symptoms, and treatments of body parts located in the lower abdomen.

How Urology Differs From Nephrology?

Urology and Nephrology are different fields of study. If you experience a problem with your kidney, you should visit a nephrologist. They have specialization to diagnose and treat kidney related conditions. Nephrologists will prescribe medications to treat kidney-related disorders. They are not surgeons. If they find the need for surgery during the treatment, they will refer you to a urologist.

On the other hand, urologists are surgeons and perform surgeries such as vasectomy, vasectomy reversal, and penile plication.

How Urologists Can Help?

Urologists receive training to treat various common and rare diseases in men and women. Some diseases are:

  • Urinary incontinence (inability to control urination)
  • Frequent urinary tract infections
  • Interstitial cystitis or painful bladder
  • Hematuria or blood while urinating
  • Male and female infertility
  • Benign Hyperplasia or enlarged prostate, which is a male reproductive disorder

Urologists also treat the following diseases such as:

  • Kidney stones
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Bladder, prostate, and kidney cancers
  • Congenital urinary tract issues
  • Pelvic organ prolapse

Why You Should See a Urologist?

You can consult a urologist if you want to undergo vasectomy or vasectomy reversal. Also, visit a urologist if you experience:

  • Problem with urination
  • Bleeding while urinating
  • Infertility
  • Heaviness in the scrotum
  • Pelvic pain
  • Cloudy and frequent urination
  • Difficulty to get or keep an erection
  • A feeling of vaginal heaviness
  • Urine droplets while exercising, laughing or sneezing

What Doctors Can Perform Vasectomy Reversals | Urology

Types of Urologists

Urologists diagnose and treat many urological conditions. They develop skills and experience through years of practice. Keep in mind that there are different types of urologists:

  • Urology oncology
  • Pediatric urology
  • Sexual medicine
  • Kidney transplantation
  • Genitourinary reconstruction
  • Male infertility
  • Minimally invasive surgery such as endoscopic, laparoscopic, and robotic surgery

What You Should Expect From a Urologist?

When you visit a professional urologist, you should explain to them why you are there. For instance, if you want to get vasectomy reversal, you should give them the complete details. For instance, you should tell them when you had a vasectomy and why you need a reversal.

Depending on your condition, the urologist will recommend examination tests. They will diagnose your condition and plan your treatment plan. Furthermore, they will evaluate your medical history and medications during diagnosis. Here are some examination tests they might recommend:

1.     Physical Examination

These tests are different for females and males. The doctor will suggest a pelvic exam for the woman and a rectal examination for the man.

2.     Sample Tests

They might also ask you for urinalysis, semen samples, and blood tests. You have to provide your semen, blood, and urine for these tests. Before the test, make sure you drink excessive water.

3.     Imaging Tests

You might also undergo imaging tests such as computed tomography scans or ultrasound.

What Doctors Can Perform Vasectomy Reversals? Conclusion

If you want to undergo vasectomy reversal or other procedure related to the reproductive or urination system, you should consult a professional urologist. A urologist has relevant experience and skills to diagnose and treat critical urological conditions.

If you need expert consultation with a urologist in New York City, you should visit our clinic and consult our experienced surgeon Dr. Yaniv Larish. For appointments and consultation , contact us at 646-862-5500.

The Mechanics of Male Genitalia & Reproduction

How do male genitalia and reproduction work? The male reproductive system contains various organs that support urination and reproduction. These organs play a vital role in the body. Their functions are:

  • Producing male sex hormones
  • Creating, maintaining, and transporting sperms and semen. Sperms are the reproductive cells that attach to the female egg, while sperm is a fluid that protects sperm.
  • Discharging sperms inside the female body.

The male genitalia and reproductive system have two parts, internal and external. These genitalia support males with sexual intercourse, urinate and give birth.

External Male Genital and Reproduction Parts

Many male reproductive organs such as the penis and scrotum are located on the pelvis and abdominal cavity. Let’s understand what roles these genitals play in the reproductive process:

1.     Penis

The penis helps with sexual intercourse and carries sperms inside female reproductive genitals. It consists of three parts. The root attaches the penis to the abdomen’s wall. The shaft or body is a tube-like chamber and contains erectile tissue. This tissue includes thousands of pores or spaces, filled with blood.

The erectile tissue helps with sexual arousal. When the blood fills inside the pores, it causes an erection. Erection is important to penetrate the penis inside the female genitals during sex. The elastic and loose penis skin stretches with the erection.

Male Genitalia and Reproduction

The last part of the penis is the glans, which is a cone-shaped head. It contains foreskin, which is also a loose skin layer. Normally, men remove this part through circumcision.

2.     Scrotum

The scrotum contains testicles and numerous blood vessels and nerves. It regulates the temperature of the scrotum and protects the testes. The testes require a cooler temperature than the body to trigger normal sperm development. There are special muscles in the scrotum that relax and contract for climate control. It brings testicles closer to the body for protection and warmth. However, when the testes need cool temperature it moves further away.

3.     Testicles (testes)

Testes are olive-shaped large organs covered inside the scrotum. The spermatic cord keeps the testes secure. Testes make testosterone, which is a male sex hormone. It is responsible for sperm production. Testes contain coil-structured tubes called seminiferous tubules. These tubes produce sperm cells through the spermatogenesis process.

4.     Epididymis

The epididymis is a coiled and long tube behind the testicles. These tubes transfer and store sperm cells from the testes. Testes produce incapable and immature sperms that are not ready for reproduction. The epididymis is responsible for sperm maturity. Furthermore, it transfers the sperms to the vas deferens during sexual arousal.

Internal Male Genital and Reproduction Parts

Several internal organs support your reproductive system. You can refer to these organs as accessory organs. These organs play a vital part in the male reproductive system. Problems with these organs may affect the reproduction process. A professional urologist can help treat infections, diseases, and abnormalities in these organs. These organs are:

1.     Vas Deferens

Vas deferens is a muscular and long tube that carries sperms to the penis. This tube stretches from the epididymis to the pelvic cavity. The sperms travel through this tube, mixes with semen, and move out of the body during ejaculation.

2.     Ejaculatory Ducts

Ejaculatory ducts join seminal vesicles and vas deferens.  The duct carries sperms and semen into the urethra.

3.     Urethra

Normally, urine flows through this tube out of the body. When you reach orgasm, semen flows through this organ. The erection of the penis blocks urine and ejaculate semen.

4.     Seminal Vesicles

These are sac-like pouches located near the base of the bladder. It connects with the vas deferens and creates a sugar-rich fluid that helps sperms move with energy. The major role of this fluid is to help with motility. The major portion of your ejaculatory fluid is the seminal vesicles.

Male Genitalia and Reproduction Urology NYC

5.     Prostate Gland

This is a walnut-sized gland, located between the rectum and urinary bladder. The prostate glands produce additional ejaculatory fluid. Prostate fluids offer nourishment and protection to the sperms. The urethra that ejaculates the fluid outside the body passes through the prostate gland.

6.     Bulbourethral Glands

The Cowper’s glands or the bulbourethral glands are small glands located below the prostate gland. These glands produce slippery fluid that acts as a lubricant. It lubricants and neutralize the pH level of the urethra. This clear fluid lowers the acidity of the urine in the urethra to protect against sperms.

Male Genitalia and Reproduction: Conclusion

The structure of male genitalia and the production system is remarkable, where each organ plays a vital part. When even one of these organs malfunctions, it disrupts the reproduction process.  Some male reproductive disorders are testicular cancer, erectile dysfunction, and varicoceles.

If you experience pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum, or penis, or are looking to have a vasectomy or vasectomy reversal procedure, you should consult an expert urologist. Visit our clinic Vasectomy Reversal NYC and consult with one of the best urologists in New York City, Dr. Yaniv Larish.

To schedule a free consultation with Dr. Larish, contact us today:

Yaniv Larish, MD
4 East 76th Street
New York, NY 10021

Are Urologists Qualified to Perform Vasectomies and Vasectomy Reversals?

Microsurgeons usually perform vasectomies and vasectomy reversals, and urologists who are also skilled in microsurgery can conduct them as well. Urologists are trained physicians who treat different issues affecting the organs in the urinary tract. Urologists also take care of and treat issues that occur in the male reproductive system and organs. Hence, some urologists do qualify to perform vasectomies and vasectomy reversals on patients. To learn more about urologists and their link with vasectomies, read further below.

Urologists Vasectomy Reversals

Who are Urologists?

Urologists are doctors that specialize in genitourinary issues related to the urinary and genital organs of both men and women. As they specialize in this field, urologists have a broad knowledge in other fields that link to cancerous treatments of the testicles, kidneys, urethra, prostate, and bladder. Since urologists focus on male reproduction, they can also perform vasectomies for birth control purposes, as well as vasectomy reversals.

Urologists receive a credited medical degree after graduating from a prestigious medical institute and continue their postgraduate residence training in different hospitals for around five years. They attain a license to practice surgery and medicine, though their sole focus is practicing urology. As there are many issues involved in urology, physicians attain special training in different areas that are broken down into adult urology, pediatric urology, urinary incontinence, and more.

Vasectomy and Vasectomy Reversals

Vasectomy is a surgical procedure that blocks the sperm from contacting ejaculated semen from the penis. With a vasectomy, you will still ejaculate semen, but the only difference will be that it won’t contain sperm cells. The sperm is usually soaked up by the body. Sperm is the male reproductive cell that fertilizes a female egg, causing her to become pregnant. Many people get a vasectomy because they want to get pregnant, but if they change their mind later on, they can get a vasectomy reversal.

A vasectomy reversal is a surgery that helps undo the process of a vasectomy. Men who underwent a vasectomy opt for this procedure if they want to have children. A vasectomy reversal involves reconnecting each tube that takes sperm cells from the testicle right into the semen. If the reversal is successful, sperm combines with the semen once again. You regain your fertility this way, allowing your spouse to get pregnant. The pregnancy rate after a vasectomy reversal may differ, depending on the procedure. The rates usually vary from 30% to 90%.

Are Urologists Qualifies to perform Vasectomy Reversals

How to Choose the Best Urologists for Vasectomies and Vasectomy Reversals

If you’re getting a vasectomy or vasectomy reversal from a urologist, you have to make sure you choose the best one. You must keep a few things in mind when choosing a urologist for a vasectomy and vasectomy reversal. They are as follows:

Their Qualifications

Urologist qualifications are one of the most important things you should check for before approving them for your vasectomy or vasectomy reversal. Their qualifications and credentials are usually mentioned on their website. You can also gather information from the hospital they are performing your surgery in. It is best to choose a urologist who has had successful experience in performing vasectomies and vasectomy reversals. This way, you will feel safe and comfortable when going in for surgery.

Ask For Referrals

You can ask friends and family for referrals of good urologists in town. They will surely give you a better view of a specific urologist and can advise which ones offer top level service. You can also ask your family physician. They will surely know of different doctors who specialize as urologists and perform vasectomies. The more referrals you get, the better you can shortlist and choose the best one for your vasectomy and vasectomy reversal.

Check Online Reviews

If you want to look further into a urologist, you can take a look at online reviews, which are usually mentioned on their website or the clinic’s website. This way, you can learn about the experience other patients had, which makes your selection process much easier.

Book a Consultation

It is advised to have multiple meetings with your urologist before your surgery. You can book a consultation with them prior to the surgery and ask them all the necessary questions. The consultation appointment will help in gathering more information, and you can make a proper judgment on whether or not you’re comfortable with that particular urologist carrying out your vasectomy or vasectomy reversal. The consolation will also be a good time to get comfortable with the urologist and establish a relationship where you can trust them to perform such a major surgery.

Urologists & Vasectomy Reversals: Final Thoughts

So yes, urologists are qualified to perform vasectomies and vasectomy reversals. All you have to do is make sure you choose the right one with the help of a few guidelines mentioned above. They should be skilled and experienced in microsurgery, and should have performed multiple successful vasectomy reversals.

If you want to attain the best and safest vasectomy or vasectomy reversal in NYC, then get in touch with Dr. Yaniv Larish and schedule an appointment today.

Yaniv Larish, MD
4 East 76th Street
New York, NY 10021
(646) 862-5500

Qualities of the Best Urologists

Urology is the medicinal and doctoral branch pertaining to the diagnoses, treatments, and prevention of urinary tract diseases, disorders, and conditions. Upon specializing in the field, medical professionals earn the title of a urologist. They tend to patients’ urological problems, providing services to improve their lifestyles.

To ensure the provision of the best medical care for patients, a urologist requires a unique skill set. These qualities range from common doctor’s qualities to extreme surgical abilities. Possessing these qualities allows them to build solid trust with patients to ensure excellent career growth in the urology department.

Qualities of the Best Urologists

But what qualities do the best urologists have?


Urology requires medical professionals to use their skills as a physician and surgeon. A combination of thorough knowledge of medical management and the skills to perform surgeries is a unique field to specialize in as a doctor. Urology divides into branches, allowing specialization. Mentioned below are some of these branches, along with brief descriptions.

  • Andrology; this field of urology primarily focuses on the male reproductive organs. This field looks into matters like penile prostheses and their implants, erectile dysfunctions, and ejaculatory disorders. Moreover, it deals with patient issues like infertility and re-fertilization processes.
  • Gynecologic Urology; this field employs urologists with the specialty of reprimanding the issues present in the female pelvic floors, which consist of the reproductive and urinary organs. A gynecologic urologist might rely on various surgical procedures.  Examples of pelvic floor issues are incontinence, vagina prolapse, etc.
  • Oncologic; this type of urologist works on genitourinary diseases. These diseases include cancer in different parts of the urinary system, such as kidneys, bladder, prostates, and male reproductive organs. Oncologic urologists employ surgical methods.

These were the few of the sub-fields of the branch of Urology. You’re probably wondering about some of the qualities of the best urologist.

Some Qualities of the Best Urologists

Here are some of the best qualities of a urologist. Some of them are common to a doctor in any field, while others are common in surgeons around the world.


This field requires determination. You cannot become an expert urologist overnight. You have to spend years in training and education, after which you can begin practicing. This entails that a good urologist is persistent in proving his point and consistent in providing medical care. Showing long-lasting determination in urology ensures career growth and provision of support to the patients.


A critical feature that medical professionals must have is “communication.” It entails conveying information from one person to another. But how is it different in the case of a urologist and the patient? The answer is simple. You have to engage with the patient in the most prominent and suitable manner of respect and compassion.

A urologist provides comforting statements and tips throughout the patient’s checkups, and he might form an optimistic tone to encourage positivity. A urologist with excellent communication skills helps achieve the patient’s satisfaction and trust. With proper communication and rapport between the urologist and the patient, there is no room for confusion or error.

Qualities of the Best Urologists NYC

 Dexterity and Visuospatial Ability

A manual state of dexterity is a must in the best urologist. This is because surgical procedures that treat urological problems and conditions require microscopic treatments. With an excellent eyesight and hand-eye coordination of a professional-level surgeon, skilled urologists yield a high success rate when performing procedures. Dexterity is vital because surgical procedures such as vasectomies, vasectomy reversals, cancer and tumor treatment in the urinary tract system, etc., all require steady microscopic treatment.

Organization Skills

This skill involves the ability to lead a demanding and busy life. As a doctor of urology, you might have to respond to urgent calls and treatments of patients. Therefore, the ability to engage without any distraction or mess is a quality of the best urologist.

Qualities of the Best Urologists: Conclusion

At Vasectomy Reversal NYC, Yaniv Larish MD is a highly experienced expert in the field of urology. He specializes in different branches of Urology to provide his services and medical care to his patients. He ensures an excellent bedside manner and compassionate attitude towards his patients.

With his extensive knowledge and background, Dr. Larish MD is one of the best urologists in New York City. Schedule an appointment today at (646) 862-5500 and receive outstanding medical care.

For contact details, head over to our website page here

References & Related Links:

  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3114028/
  2. https://www.medrecruit.com/blog/urology-surgeon/
  3. https://www.bmj.com/content/335/7610/s14
  4. https://www.healthcareers.nhs.uk/explore-roles/doctors/roles-doctors/surgery/urology/entry-requirements-skills-and-interests#:~:text=Urologists%20need%20a%20special%20blend,vision%20and%20visuo%2Dspatial%20awareness
  5. https://www.urologytimes.com/view/what-traits-are-important-be-good-urologist
  6. https://www.careerexplorer.com/careers/urologist/personality/
  7. http://www.orangecoasturology.com/patient-information/branches-of-urology.html
  8. https://www.urologytimes.com/view/e-m-guidelines-require-a-different-approach-to-documentation

Do Urologists Perform Vasectomies?

Do urologists perform vasectomies as one of their typical services? The vas deferens is a tube that transmits sperm to the penis through the testes. In a vasectomy, the urologist blocks or cuts the tube via surgery. This surgery will help avoid unwanted pregnancies. Experts think that a vasectomy is a fantastic option for permanent birth control. If you and your partner are sure about not having children, you can opt for this surgery. On the other hand, options are available to restore your vas deferens and ability to have children with your partner.

Do urologists perform vasectomies?

What is a Vasectomy?

With 99.85% effectiveness, a vasectomy is a long-term birth control option for men. The urologist will cut the vas deferens, preventing the sperm from mixing with your semen when you ejaculate. Once you undergo a vasectomy, your testicles will continue to produce sperm, but they won’t leave the testicles. Your body will absorb the unused sperm. Vasectomy is a procedure with fewer complications and problems. Furthermore, it is an outpatient treatment involving the use of local anesthesia.

Procedure for Vasectomy

The urologist will perform the procedure in their office. You need to prefer a specialist who has widespread experience in the urinary tract and reproductive system. If you are anxious about the procedure, your urologist can perform the treatment in the hospital or outpatient surgery center. To perform the surgery, the doctor will decide any one treatment option from two ways. In both procedures, the urologist keeps you awake. They will numb your scrotum using local anesthesia.

The simple method includes two one centimeter of incision in your scrotum. This way, they can access the vas deferens. They will cut down the small part of the vas deferens and remove it from your body. They will cauterize and seal it. After that, they will stitch the endings. The urologist may or may not use the same cut for the vas deferens on the other testicle. After sealing both the vas deferens, the specialist will glue or stitch the skin on the scrotum where they cut open.

For another surgery, the specialist will puncture a small hole in the scrotum. This method does not include any scalpel. After the cut, the doctor will locate the vas deferens under the skin and pull it out of the hole. They will cut the vas deferens removing it from the body. They will seal the tube by tying both ends or cauterizing it. Then, they will put the tube back in place. They will then perform the same procedure for the other testicle. Since the holes are small, you won’t require any stitches or glue on the skin.

The Recovery Time from a Vasectomy

After the procedure, you will experience mild discomfort, swelling, and bruising for few days. The symptoms for a vasectomy won’t longer than two weeks. Specialists will suggest various methods to decrease swelling and pain. Here are some standard methods that you can try:

  • Keeping a cold pack on the scrotum helps relieve swelling
  • You can also try over-the-counter pain killers for mild discomfort. Ibuprofen might work, but consult with your doctor before taking any medication
  • Jockstrap or compression shorts can also help with the pain and swelling. You need to wear these for two weeks.

You should wait 24 hours before taking a shower and avoid using a bathtub for two days. You can return to work and other routines after two to three days of the procedure. However, you should prevent strenuous activity such as lifting heavyweight and other exercises for one week after the treatment.

Choosing the Best Urologist to Perform Your Vasectomy

Before choosing a urologist, ensure that you and your spouse are ready for the procedure. This can be a big decision. After you both agree on having a vasectomy, you need to find an experienced specialist. Here are some of the suggestions that you should follow before choosing the urologist:

1.    Online Reviews

When looking for a doctor, gather some information. Search for reviews and read testimonials. By reading patients’ experiences, you can understand doctors’ good and bad qualities.

2.    Referrals

You can take recommendations from a friend or family member who went through a vasectomy. They will share their experience with the doctor. You will always hear an honest opinion from them.

Do urologists perform vasectomies? Urology

3.    Check Qualifications

There are numerous urologists with credentials. Check their websites for their qualification. Furthermore, choose a qualified specialist who has performed numerous successful vasectomies.

4.    Schedule a Consultation

You can learn more about the urologist by consulting with them. The consultation will provide plenty of information about the doctor. You can ask them any questions about the procedure. This session takes place prior to a vasectomy. This way, you can ask questions, establish a relationship, and take some time to decide whether you should opt for it or not.

Do Urologists Perform Vasectomies: Conclusion

You can set-up an appointment with Dr. Larish if you are looking for a Urologist in New York City. He has widespread experience in performing vasectomies and vasectomy reversals. Dr. Larish is highly-trained and knows how to perform advanced and modern treatments. For a consultation, you can contact our clinic at (646) 862-5500 .

What Procedures Do Urologists Perform?

What procedures do urologists perform? For ages, doctors examined the urine to identify underlying conditions. They analyzed texture, odor, and color. Furthermore, they also looked for blood, bubbles, and other signs of different diseases. Now, medicine has a separate field that includes performing procedures on the urinary system and maintaining its health. You can refer to the field as urology. In this article, we will discuss urologists and the procedures they perform.

Who is the Urologist?

These medical professionals have specialized in diagnosing, treating, and preventing conditions pertaining to the urinary system. They diagnose, identify, and treat the bladder, kidneys, ureters, and urethra. Urologists also help treat reproductive disorders related to the scrotum, testes, prostate, and penis. Urologists can also serve you for the conditions such as:

  • Prostate cancer
  • Kidney stones
  • Problems related to urine

What Procedures do Urologists Perform?

Procedures that Urologists Perform

You can visit urologists for numerous reasons. They can diagnose and treat various urologic conditions:

1.    Vasectomy

Vasectomy is a common procedure for birth control. Around 500,000 men in the US undergo this treatment every year, as suggested by the American Urological Association. The success rate of vasectomy is higher than other birth control techniques. In this procedure, the doctor will block or cut the sperm supply by removing a piece of vas deferens. Vas deferens is a tiny tube that carries sperm cells from the testicles. This is an out-patient procedure, and you can go home after the surgery.

2.    Vasectomy Reversal

If someone decides to undergo vasectomy, he can avoid unwanted pregnancies. But in the event you want to start a family with your partner, you can reverse this procedure with a vasectomy reversal. Vasectomy reversal has a high success rate, but it does not guarantee that your partner will conceive. Numerous factors can affect your fertility rate in this case. Nonetheless, the urologist will use microsurgery techniques to reconnect the vas deferens.

3.    Cystoscopy

With the help of cystoscopy, the urologist will examine the lining of the urethra and the bladder. The urologist will insert an instrument into the bladder through the urethra. The cystoscope is a thin and long tube that includes a camera at the top. Cystoscopy is a procedure that helps in diagnosing and treating issues of the bladder. The urologist might also use this procedure to diagnose problems with the prostate.

4.    Prostate Procedures

Urologists can perform numerous tests and procedures to diagnose and treat prostate conditions. These procedures include

During these procedures, urologists use light to produce intense heat and remove the extra tissue. This enables the flow of urine. The surgeon will recommend an appropriate technique depending on the size of your prostate and your health.

Procedures that Urologists Perform

5.    Ureteroscopy

This procedure helps to identify and treat kidney stones. The urologist will use a special instrument to guide through the bladder and urethra to the kidney stones’ location. You can refer to the instrument as the ureteroscope. It is a thin and long tube with a camera and light for inspection. The urologist will remove the small stones from your kidney. They break up and remove larger stones individually. The experts refer to this procedure as lithotripsy.

6.    Lithotripsy

During lithotripsy, the urologist will use laser or shock waves to break ureter, bladder, and kidney stones. Once the urologist breaks the stones into pieces, they exit the body upon urination.

7.    Orchiopexy

Orchiopexy helps to repair the undescended testicle. In this procedure, the urologist will bring back the testicles from the groin or abdomen to the scrotum. Then they attach it with the tacking stitch.

8.    Penile Plication

This surgical procedure treats curvature in the penis. Urologists often recommend this procedure after diagnosing Peyronie’s disease. This treatment is an out-patient procedure and involves placing a suture on the opposite side of the scar, supporting the penis from the other side.

9.    Penile Implants & Prosthesis

A urologist can also help treat erectile dysfunction with the help of a penile implant . This procedure helps you maintain proper erections. The patient typically will undergo ED treatment first. If this treatment fails, the urologist may offer the patient the option to get a penile implant. Those suffering from Peyronie’s disease and cannot get erections often opt for a penile prosthesis.

10.  Male Circumcision

During circumcision, the urologist will remove the foreskin or tip of the penis through a surgical procedure.

Procedures Urologists Perform: Conclusion

Dr. Yaniv Larish at Vasectomy Reversal NYC can help you with a vasectomy or vasectomy reversal. Our experienced surgeons also diagnose and treat all other urological disorders. Call today to schedule an in-person or tele-consultation at (646) 862-5500.

Procedures Performed By Urologists

What procedures are performed by urologists? Urologists are specialized physicians and experts in diseases of the urinary tract and the male reproductive system. If a physician suspects that their patient needs treatment for conditions of the ureters, adrenal glands, urethra, bladder, and kidneys, they will refer to a urologist.

Procedures Performed By Urologists

Furthermore, urologists can treat disorders related to the prostate, testes, seminal vesicles, epididymis, and penis. You can visit a urologist for many reasons. When you visit a urologist, they will diagnose and treat your condition through various urology procedures. Here are some procedures that a urologist can perform:

1.    Vasectomy

This procedure is very common among men. The American Urological Association suggests that almost 500,000 men undergo vasectomies every year just in the United States of America. This surgical procedure for men acts as an effective form of permanent birth control. In this procedure, a urologist will cut the supply of sperm from reaching the semen through cutting a sealing the vas deferens, which is responsible for carrying the sperms from the testicles. This procedure is an outpatient method, so you do not have to get yourself admitted to the hospital. A urologist will take only 10 to 30 minutes to complete the procedure.

2.    Vasectomy Reversal

If men who underwent a vasectomy want to have a child with their partner, they can opt for reversal surgery. This will increase their fertility and allow them to conceive a child with their partner in the traditional manner. However, there is no guarantee that a vasectomy reversal you will get back your ability to conceive a child. Various factors affect your ability to conceive after a reversal. Hence, you need to consider different factors to ensure a successful vasectomy reversal. A urologist will perform microsurgical methods to repair the vas deferens that was cut and sealed during a vasectomy.

3.    Cystoscopy

With this procedure, a urologist examines and diagnoses the lining of the urethra and bladder. In a cystoscopy, the urologist inserts a cystoscope inside the urethra, so it reaches the bladder. This instrument comprises a thin, long tube with a camera and a light at the end. This method helps diagnose and treat bladder-related conditions. A urologist can also use this device to diagnose an enlarged prostate.

4.    Prostate Procedures

To treat and diagnose prostate-related conditions, urologists use the following procedures:

·      Prostate Biopsy

With this procedure, a urologist can remove tissue samples from your prostate so that they can be examined in the lab.

·       UroLift

To treat prostate enlargement, whether matter the condition is moderate or mild, a urologist uses an invasive procedure.

·       Transurethral Needle Ablation

In this procedure, urologists use radiofrequency ablation to shrink the tissues of the prostate that cause urinary symptoms by pressing the urethra.

·       Transurethral Resection

Urologists rely on this invasive procedure to treat an enlarged prostate. Urologists use a special instrument known as a resectoscope to trim and seal the tissues of the prostate. They will perform this procedure if you are experiencing prostate enlargement symptoms.

·       Transurethral Incision

Urologists rely on this procedure to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH. To perform this procedure, urologists insert a small and special instrument, called an endoscope, in the bladder through the urethra. Urologists will then create a small opening in the neck of the bladder on the region where it connects with the prostate. This will open the urinary channel, allowing urine to pass.

5.    Ureterostomy

Urologists perform a ureterostomy to diagnose and treat kidney stones. They perform the process using a ureteroscope. This instrument is a thin and long tube that consists of a camera and a light. Urologists insert this instrument inside the urethra, passing through the bladder, and heading up to the ureter to reach the location where the kidney stone is present. If the stones are small, they remove them immediately. But if the stones are bigger, urologists first break those stones and then remove the pieces. The procedure in which a urologist breaks down larger stones is lithotripsy.

Top Procedures Performed By Urologists

What Should You Expect from a Urologist?

A urologist will contact your doctor and ask for notes to understand your condition in a better way. However, they will still ask you some questions to get an idea about your medical history to perform a physical examination. They may also ask you to go through some tests, such as:

  • Imaging tests, such as MRI scans, CT scans, or ultrasound. This way, they can understand your condition better
  • With a urine test, urologists can check for the presence of bacteria or any other cause of the disease
  • With a biopsy, they can check if you have cancer or any other disease

Procedures Performed By Urologists: Conclusion

Dr. Yaniv Larish at Vasectomy Reversal NYC and Fifth Avenue Urology is highly experienced at treating urological diseases. If you are suffering from any related disease, contact us at 646-862-5500 or visit our website.

Yaniv Larish, MD

4 East 76th Street
New York, NY 10021

(646) 862-5500

What is Vasectomy Reversal?

Vasectomy surgery entails cutting the vas deferens to prevent sperm from entering the ejaculate in order to produce long term sterility. (click to enlarge)

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Vasectomy reversal micro-surgery entails reconnecting the two ends of the vas deferens utilizing a surgical microscope, micro-instruments and micro-sutures in order to allow the sperm to enter the ejaculate and regain fertility after vasectomy surgery.

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Vasectomy reversal surgeon nyc right column 03

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