Dr. Yaniv Larish specializes in micro-surgery to reverse vasectomies.

Vasectomy Reversal NYC Couple with Baby 10

Dr. Larish performs vasectomy reversal micro-surgery at Gramercy Surgery Center. This state of the art facility utilizes the most modern and advanced high quality surgical microscope, micro-instruments and the most highly trained nurses and support staff.

Dr. Larish has helped many men successfully reverse their vasectomies.

Call today for a consultation:

(646) 862-5500

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Category Archives: Male Fertility

Comparing Vasectomy Reversal and IVF: Pros, Cons, and Success Rates

When considering options to restore fertility after a vasectomy, two primary methods often come to mind: vasectomy reversal and IVF (in vitro fertilization). Both approaches offer the possibility of achieving pregnancy, but they come with their own set of advantages, disadvantages, and success rates. In this blog, we will compare vasectomy reversal and IVF to help you make an informed decision about the best path for you and your partner.

Comparing Vasectomy Reversal and IVF

Vasectomy Reversal: Reconnecting the Pathway

Vasectomy reversal is a surgical procedure aimed at reconnecting the vas deferens, the tubes that were cut during a vasectomy. This allows sperm to be present in the ejaculate once again, enabling the possibility of natural conception.

Pros of Vasectomy Reversal

  • Natural Conception: One of the most significant advantages of vasectomy reversal is the potential for natural conception. Couples can conceive through regular sexual intercourse without the need for assisted reproductive technologies.
  • Cost-Effective: In the long term, vasectomy reversal can be more cost-effective compared to multiple IVF cycles, especially if natural conception occurs relatively quickly.
  • Permanence: Once the vas deferens are successfully reconnected, there is no need for further medical intervention to achieve pregnancy.

Cons of Vasectomy Reversal

  • Surgical Risks: As with any surgical procedure, vasectomy reversal carries risks such as infection, bleeding, and complications from anesthesia.
  • Recovery Time: The recovery period after vasectomy reversal can take several weeks, during which patients need to avoid strenuous activities and sexual intercourse.
  • Variable Success Rates: The success of vasectomy reversal depends on factors such as the time elapsed since the vasectomy, the patient’s age, and the presence of any scar tissue.

Success Rates of Vasectomy Reversal

The success rates of vasectomy reversal can vary. Generally, the procedure has higher success rates when performed within a few years of the original vasectomy. Success rates can range from 40% to over 90%, depending on individual circumstances.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): Assisted Reproduction

IVF is a process where eggs are retrieved from the female partner and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory. The resulting embryos are then transferred to the uterus to achieve pregnancy.

Pros of IVF

  • Suitable for All Cases: IVF can be a viable option regardless of the time elapsed since the vasectomy. It is particularly useful for couples where the male partner has sperm quality issues or when vasectomy reversal is not feasible.
  • Controlled Environment: The fertilization process occurs in a controlled laboratory setting, which can increase the chances of successful embryo development.
  • Additional Options: IVF allows for the use of donor sperm or eggs if needed, providing flexibility in achieving pregnancy.

Cons of IVF

  • Cost: IVF can be expensive, especially if multiple cycles are required. Costs can include medications, procedures, and laboratory fees.
  • Emotional and Physical Stress: The IVF process can be physically and emotionally demanding for both partners, involving hormone treatments, frequent medical visits, and invasive procedures.
  • Risk of Multiple Births: IVF has a higher likelihood of resulting in multiple pregnancies, which can increase the risk of complications during pregnancy and delivery.

Success Rates of IVF

The success rates of IVF depend on various factors, including the age of the female partner, the quality of the embryos, and the specific fertility clinic’s expertise. On average, IVF success rates range from 30% to 50% per cycle, with higher success rates often seen in younger women.

Making the Decision: Factors to Consider

Choosing between vasectomy reversal and IVF involves several factors:

  • Time Since Vasectomy: Vasectomy reversal is generally more successful when performed sooner after the vasectomy. If many years have passed, IVF might be a more viable option.
  • Desire for Natural Conception: If you and your partner prefer to conceive naturally, vasectomy reversal may be the preferred choice.
  • Health Considerations: Both partners’ overall health and any specific medical conditions can influence the decision.
  • Cost and Insurance: Consider the costs associated with each procedure and whether they are covered by insurance.

Conclusion: Tailoring Fertility Solutions to Your Needs

Both vasectomy reversal and IVF offer viable paths to achieving pregnancy, each with its unique pros, cons, and success rates. Consulting with a specialist can provide personalized guidance, ensuring that your choice aligns with your specific circumstances and fertility goals.

To explore your options for vasectomy reversal or IVF and receive expert guidance, contact Dr. Yaniv Larish. Dr. Larish is dedicated to helping individuals and couples navigate their fertility journey and achieve their family planning goals.

Schedule a consultation today to learn more about the best options for you.

Yaniv Larish, MD
(646) 862-5500

Male Fertility Myths and Facts: What You Need to Know About Vasectomy Reversal

Dispelling Fertility Myths: The Truth About Vasectomy Reversal

Vasectomy reversal is a procedure that offers hope to individuals and couples who wish to regain their fertility after a vasectomy. However, misconceptions and myths often surround this topic. In this blog, we’ll separate fact from fiction and provide you with the essential information you need to know about vasectomy reversal.

Male Fertility Myths and Facts Vasectomy Reversals

Myth #1: Vasectomy Reversal Is Guaranteed to Work

The Reality:

While vasectomy reversal is a highly successful procedure, it is not guaranteed to work for everyone. Success rates can vary based on factors such as the length of time since the vasectomy, the surgical technique used, and individual health factors. It’s essential to consult with an experienced urologist like Dr. Yaniv Larish, who can assess your unique situation and provide realistic expectations.

Myth #2: Vasectomy Reversal Is Always Covered by Insurance

The Reality:

Insurance coverage for vasectomy reversal varies widely. Some insurance plans may cover the procedure, while others may not. It’s crucial to check with your insurance provider to understand your coverage. Additionally, Dr. Yaniv Larish’s office can provide guidance on insurance matters and discuss available payment options.

Myth #3: Vasectomy Reversal Is Painful and Risky

The Reality:

Vasectomy reversal is typically performed under anesthesia, minimizing discomfort during the procedure. While some discomfort and swelling may occur during the recovery period, it is manageable with proper pain management. Risks are relatively low, especially when performed by a skilled urologist.

Myth #4: You Can’t Achieve Pregnancy Naturally After Vasectomy Reversal

The Reality:

One of the primary goals of vasectomy reversal is to restore natural fertility. Many couples successfully conceive through natural means after the procedure. The presence of sperm in the ejaculate allows for the possibility of natural conception.

Myth #5: Vasectomy Reversal Is Only for Younger Men

The Reality:

While it’s true that younger men may have higher success rates due to better sperm quality and overall health, vasectomy reversal can be performed on men of various ages. Age is just one of several factors that can influence the success of the procedure.

Consultation with a Specialist

If you’re considering vasectomy reversal or have questions about the procedure, it’s essential to consult with a specialist who can provide accurate information and address your concerns.

Male Fertility Myths and Facts about Vasectomy Reversal

Conclusion: Make Informed Decisions

Vasectomy reversal is a viable option for those who wish to restore their fertility, but it’s essential to base your decisions on accurate information rather than myths and misconceptions.

Dr. Yaniv Larish is dedicated to helping individuals and couples navigate the path to fertility restoration. Contact his office to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards achieving your family planning goals.

Male Fertility Preservation: Options Before and After Vasectomy

Navigating Male Fertility Preservation

Male Fertility Preservation options NYCVasectomy is a commonly chosen method of permanent contraception, offering couples peace of mind. However, life is filled with unforeseen twists and turns. Whether you’re contemplating a vasectomy or have already undergone the procedure, it’s crucial to be aware of male fertility preservation options. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore strategies for preserving male fertility both before and after a vasectomy.

Preserving Fertility Before a Vasectomy

Before taking the significant step of getting a vasectomy, it’s wise to consider the possibility of preserving your fertility, especially if you have any doubts about future family planning. Here are the primary strategies to contemplate:

Sperm Banking:

Sperm banking, also known as sperm cryopreservation, is a proactive approach to safeguarding your ability to have biological children in the future. This process involves collecting and freezing your sperm for later use. It provides the potential for conception through assisted reproductive technologies (ART) even after a vasectomy. The frozen sperm can be used for in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

Fertility Preservation After Vasectomy

If you’ve already undergone a vasectomy but have had a change of heart and desire to expand your family, there are still viable options for fertility preservation. Let’s explore the choices available:

Vasectomy Reversal:

Vasectomy reversal is a surgical procedure designed to reconnect the vas deferens, restoring the natural flow of sperm. The success of this procedure depends on several factors, including the length of time since the vasectomy and the surgical expertise of the urologist performing the reversal.

Sperm Retrieval:

In situations where vasectomy reversal is not feasible or has been unsuccessful, sperm retrieval is another option. This procedure involves the extraction of sperm directly from the testicles or epididymis using minimally invasive techniques. The retrieved sperm can then be used in conjunction with IVF or ICSI to achieve pregnancy.

Making Informed Decisions:

The choice between male fertility preservation options hinges on various factors, including your specific situation, preferences, and family planning goals. Consulting with an experienced urologist is vital to make informed decisions tailored to your unique circumstances.

Conclusion: Taking Control of Your Fertility Journey

Male fertility preservation provides a safety net for individuals and couples, offering options when life takes unexpected turns. Whether you’re considering a vasectomy or contemplating your choices after one, consulting with a healthcare professional can provide expert guidance, support, and compassionate care.

To explore male fertility preservation strategies or discuss your options further, reach out to a qualified urologist. Take control of your fertility journey and make decisions that align with your family planning goals.

Yaniv Larish, MD
4 East 76th Street
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (646) 862-5500

How Is Sperm Produced?

How is sperm produced? The reproductive system of men is particularly designed for storing, transporting, and producing sperm. Dissimilar to female genitalia, male reproductive organs are present on pelvic cavities’ exterior and interior parts. These include:

  • The testicles
  • The penis
  • Accessory glands, including the prostate gland and seminal vesicles
  • The vas deferens and epididymis

Where Does Sperm Production Happen?

The production of sperm takes place in the testes. Once men reach puberty, they create sperm cells in the millions each day. These cells measure around 0.002 in.

How Is Sperm Produced?

How Does Sperm Production Happen?

The testicle consists of a system with loads of small tubes known as seminiferous tubules. These tubes contain germ cells that testosterone and other hormones turn into sperm. Moreover, each germ cell changes and divides until they look like a tiny tadpole—these force the sperm to enter a tube known as the epididymis. Then, the sperm begins traveling through this tube to complete its development.

After the sperm leaves the epididymis, it enters the vas deferens. Whenever a man becomes stimulated, their sperm mixes with the seminal fluid, a white liquid created by the prostate gland and seminal vesicles, creating semen. Because of all the stimulation, the penis pushes out semen containing over five hundred million sperm from the urethra.

A Closer Look at Sperm

The sperm is essentially the gamete or male reproductive cell. For those wondering, gamete suggests that it’s a half cell of a whole. Once sperm blends with the female egg or gamete, it creates an embryo. When scientists look at sperm cells using a microscope, they can spot the following parts:

The Head: The sperm consists of a DNA material called chromatin. This chromatin helps make up the chromosomes. Human eggs and sperm cells contain twenty three chromosomes. So, once the egg and sperm combine, it creates an embryo with forty six chromosomes. The sperm’s head is covered with a cap, which doctors call an “acrosome,” which has proteins for helping sperm enter the egg’s outer shell.

The Tail: The flagellum or sperm tail helps with movement as the tail helps push the sperm toward the egg.

The Mid Section: The sperm’s midsection contains mitochondria, which produce energy. This specialized structure provides the right amount of energy required by the sperm cell.

Why Sperm is So Important

Sperm is vital for conceiving a child, and it is impossible to get your partner pregnant without it. That’s why those who do not want kids often opt for a vasectomy. In this procedure, surgeons detach the vas deferens, the vital tube for transferring sperm toward the semen.

How Is Sperm Produced? Top Urologist NYC

However, many people who undergo a vasectomy often have a change of heart and want to undo it, and this is where a vasectomy reversal procedure can help. When reversing a vasectomy, surgeons reconnect the vas deferens to help the sperm move in the semen present in the testes.

How Is Sperm Produced? Final Thoughts

If you or someone you know has a problem related to sperm production, consider visiting an expert. Maybe you underwent a vasectomy and want it reversed to ensure you can conceive again. Whatever the case, Dr. Yaniv Larish and his team can help you out. Book an appointment with us; our professionals will closely evaluate you to determine the right steps to take.

After determining the right course of action, our experts will counsel you on how to move forward and what to expect. Remember, vasectomy reversals and any procedure related to the male reproductive organs can be quite complex, so it’s important to choose seasoned pros like Dr. Larish.

Call today for a consultation.

Yaniv Larish, MD
4 East 76th Street
New York, NY 10021
(646) 862-5500

Aging Men and Fertility

Do aging men have lower fertility? Men experience changes in fertility as they age. Age matters as much in male fertility as it does in female fertility. Sure, the fertility changes in women tend to be quite drastic, but men also have biological clocks.

The Rise and Decline of Fertility in Men

Reputable research suggests that the quantity of semen in men usually peaks around the ages of thirty and thirty five. Researchers also found that the overall quantity of semen was lowest when men were in their mid to late fifties. It is also worth keeping in mind that the motility of sperm changes as we age. For those wondering, sperm motility is a term used to describe how well sperm can swim. Sperm motility is usually at its best when men are around twenty to twenty five.

After that, however, it starts slowly but surely declining and is at its lowest at the age of fifty five and beyond.

Aging Men and Fertility

Does Age Affect the Sperm’s Genetic Quality?

Age doesn’t only affect semen quality, but it also takes a toll on genetic quality. Genetic defects in the sperm could result in the following things:

  • Poor fertility
  • Higher likelihood of miscarriage
  • High risk of congenital disabilities and stillbirth

Besides having increased chances of infertility, older men can also pass certain genetic issues to their kids. Male and female age can also result in certain congenital disabilities like Down syndrome. There is a high risk of a child being born with Down syndrome if their mother conceived at an older age. Additionally, older dads have a high likelihood of having kids with the following:

  • Schizophrenia
  • Childhood leukemia
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Autism
  • Dwarfism

Keeping these things in mind, men must consider having kids at a younger age. So, if you underwent a vasectomy procedure to avoid having kids but had a change of heart, it would be best to opt for a reversal immediately. The more you delay it, the more the genetic quality of your sperm will be affected. Additionally, delaying a reversal could also lower the likelihood of the procedure being successful.

When are Men the Most Fertile

Many factors determine the ideal age for a man to have a child. Testosterone levels are arguably the most important factors that determine male fertility. After men reach the age of thirty, their testosterone levels drop by one percent every year. So, if you want to conceive a child, it would be best to do it in your twenties. When this hormone goes down, it significantly impacts an individual’s sperm count, affecting their ability to conceive.

Aging Men and Fertility vas rev

Aging Men and Fertility: Final Thoughts

Believe it or not, infertile males often develop depression. So, if you are infertile or have doubts about your fertility, it would be best to consult your doctor. Your age could also be the reason behind your poor fertility, which is why it is best to make the most of it when you are young. Unfortunately, many men go the other route and decide not to have kids by getting a vasectomy.

If you want to reverse a vasectomy in order to conceive again, consider contacting Dr. Yaniv Larish. He is a urologist in New York City and familiar with all vasectomy and vasectomy reversal microsurgical procedures.

Schedule consultation today. We will go above and beyond to ensure you can conceive again.

Yaniv Larish, MD
4 East 76th Street
New York, NY 10021
(646) 862-5500

Older Men Having Children

It’s not uncommon to see older men having children. However, most people assume that getting a vasectomy significantly reduces your chances of conceiving a child because vasectomies are long-term. This can give you the impression that the longer you wait, the lower your chances of conceiving. While that’s true, you don’t have to feel the need to rush to a vasectomy reversal or ignore the need for vasectomy in the first place. Common myths about vasectomies revolve around the loss of fertility and reduced production of sperm in individuals.

Older Fathers Having Children

But, if you’re concerned that getting a vasectomy and reversing it later might reduce your chances of conceiving, you’re right. Nonetheless, it doesn’t mean that conceiving a child will be impossible. And that’s why you must consult a reputable urologist.

Paternal Age Factors Affecting Baby’s Health

Most men know that as they get older, their body starts to weaken, and they become infertile over time. This isn’t the case for everyone as some people are healthier than others. However, being older can bring complications to your physical lifestyle, including the ability to conceive. As men get older, they become more prone to diseases and disorders. The health disorders and diseases pose significant health risks for the baby.

While more research is necessary, it’s quite clear that having an older father can increase the baby’s chances of developing health complications. Adverse pregnancy outcomes are more common when the paternal age is over 40. Some of the most common risks and health issues in babies due to older parents include:

  • Pregnancy Loss: While pregnancy loss can occur for several reasons, older paternal age is among the most common.
  • Schizophrenia and Mental Disorders: Due to older parents, a baby’s health conditions can worsen from birth. The baby may carry genes or hereditary DNA that can develop several mental health disorders and diseases such as schizophrenia.
  • Childhood Leukemia: Men fathering a child at an older age increases the chances of their baby developing childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. It’s a type of cancer that develops due to abnormal white blood cell production.
  • Autism: Several experts believe that autism in children may link to older paternal age.
  • Uncommon Birth Defects: Being older can increase the chances of your baby developing uncommon/common congenital disabilities such as improper limbs, heart, and skull development, leading to various physical health issues.

Research and studies are in progress to identify the links between advanced paternal age and health issues in babies. Countless genetic mutations can occur as a result of weaker DNA from parents. As you age, your DNA starts to weaken while increasing the offspring’s chances of developing several health conditions that affect physical and mental well-being.

This onset of health risks can be transferred to the baby resulting in unexpected health problems right after birth. If you’re above 40 and think that your reproductive health may be deteriorating, consult the best urologist/surgeon on time. A urologist can help you determine your fertility ratios and help you identify any underlying medical health conditions that pose a significant risk of passing down to your baby.

Can Older Men Have Children Even After 40?

Several health factors can influence the fertility rate in older men. Firstly, the development of various health conditions can pose a significant threat to the fertility of older men, especially those over 40 or 50. While men of age 50 have tried to conceive a child, several factors must be considered. Here’s why it’s slightly difficult to conceive a child at age 40 or above:

  • Sperm quality deteriorates over the age of 40 and even 50. The morphology (shape) and motility (movement) of the sperms become more irregular. The sperms are either unhealthy and don’t survive long inside the female. On the other hand, it’s possible that the sperms can’t swim properly.
  • Female partners’ fertility declines earlier than men’s decline and can pose a significant threat to the chances of conceiving a child.
  • Testosterone production becomes irregular after 40 and above, leading to irregular sexual activity. While some people lose sexual drive, others experience erectile dysfunction leading to further difficulties in conceiving.

Older Fathers Having Children | Vasectomy Reversal

Older Men Having Children: Conclusion

Do you think you’re too old to become a father due to your vasectomy? You should discuss your options with the right urologist or surgeon near you. At Vasectomy Reversal NYC, we help our patients improve their urological health, and perform vasectomies and vasectomy reversals. For years, Dr. Yaniv Larish has been helping older men reverse their vasectomies and become fathers.

Through tests and various medical exams, Dr. Larish can advise on whether or not your age will interfere with your vasectomy reversal  and chances of fatherhood.

Call us at (646) 862-5500 to schedule an appointment today.

The Mechanics of Male Genitalia & Reproduction

How do male genitalia and reproduction work? The male reproductive system contains various organs that support urination and reproduction. These organs play a vital role in the body. Their functions are:

  • Producing male sex hormones
  • Creating, maintaining, and transporting sperms and semen. Sperms are the reproductive cells that attach to the female egg, while sperm is a fluid that protects sperm.
  • Discharging sperms inside the female body.

The male genitalia and reproductive system have two parts, internal and external. These genitalia support males with sexual intercourse, urinate and give birth.

External Male Genital and Reproduction Parts

Many male reproductive organs such as the penis and scrotum are located on the pelvis and abdominal cavity. Let’s understand what roles these genitals play in the reproductive process:

1.     Penis

The penis helps with sexual intercourse and carries sperms inside female reproductive genitals. It consists of three parts. The root attaches the penis to the abdomen’s wall. The shaft or body is a tube-like chamber and contains erectile tissue. This tissue includes thousands of pores or spaces, filled with blood.

The erectile tissue helps with sexual arousal. When the blood fills inside the pores, it causes an erection. Erection is important to penetrate the penis inside the female genitals during sex. The elastic and loose penis skin stretches with the erection.

Male Genitalia and Reproduction

The last part of the penis is the glans, which is a cone-shaped head. It contains foreskin, which is also a loose skin layer. Normally, men remove this part through circumcision.

2.     Scrotum

The scrotum contains testicles and numerous blood vessels and nerves. It regulates the temperature of the scrotum and protects the testes. The testes require a cooler temperature than the body to trigger normal sperm development. There are special muscles in the scrotum that relax and contract for climate control. It brings testicles closer to the body for protection and warmth. However, when the testes need cool temperature it moves further away.

3.     Testicles (testes)

Testes are olive-shaped large organs covered inside the scrotum. The spermatic cord keeps the testes secure. Testes make testosterone, which is a male sex hormone. It is responsible for sperm production. Testes contain coil-structured tubes called seminiferous tubules. These tubes produce sperm cells through the spermatogenesis process.

4.     Epididymis

The epididymis is a coiled and long tube behind the testicles. These tubes transfer and store sperm cells from the testes. Testes produce incapable and immature sperms that are not ready for reproduction. The epididymis is responsible for sperm maturity. Furthermore, it transfers the sperms to the vas deferens during sexual arousal.

Internal Male Genital and Reproduction Parts

Several internal organs support your reproductive system. You can refer to these organs as accessory organs. These organs play a vital part in the male reproductive system. Problems with these organs may affect the reproduction process. A professional urologist can help treat infections, diseases, and abnormalities in these organs. These organs are:

1.     Vas Deferens

Vas deferens is a muscular and long tube that carries sperms to the penis. This tube stretches from the epididymis to the pelvic cavity. The sperms travel through this tube, mixes with semen, and move out of the body during ejaculation.

2.     Ejaculatory Ducts

Ejaculatory ducts join seminal vesicles and vas deferens.  The duct carries sperms and semen into the urethra.

3.     Urethra

Normally, urine flows through this tube out of the body. When you reach orgasm, semen flows through this organ. The erection of the penis blocks urine and ejaculate semen.

4.     Seminal Vesicles

These are sac-like pouches located near the base of the bladder. It connects with the vas deferens and creates a sugar-rich fluid that helps sperms move with energy. The major role of this fluid is to help with motility. The major portion of your ejaculatory fluid is the seminal vesicles.

Male Genitalia and Reproduction Urology NYC

5.     Prostate Gland

This is a walnut-sized gland, located between the rectum and urinary bladder. The prostate glands produce additional ejaculatory fluid. Prostate fluids offer nourishment and protection to the sperms. The urethra that ejaculates the fluid outside the body passes through the prostate gland.

6.     Bulbourethral Glands

The Cowper’s glands or the bulbourethral glands are small glands located below the prostate gland. These glands produce slippery fluid that acts as a lubricant. It lubricants and neutralize the pH level of the urethra. This clear fluid lowers the acidity of the urine in the urethra to protect against sperms.

Male Genitalia and Reproduction: Conclusion

The structure of male genitalia and the production system is remarkable, where each organ plays a vital part. When even one of these organs malfunctions, it disrupts the reproduction process.  Some male reproductive disorders are testicular cancer, erectile dysfunction, and varicoceles.

If you experience pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum, or penis, or are looking to have a vasectomy or vasectomy reversal procedure, you should consult an expert urologist. Visit our clinic Vasectomy Reversal NYC and consult with one of the best urologists in New York City, Dr. Yaniv Larish.

To schedule a free consultation with Dr. Larish, contact us today:

Yaniv Larish, MD
4 East 76th Street
New York, NY 10021

Can Older Men Still Have Healthy Children?

Are you asking the question if older men have healthy children? Many women are aware of the consequences of having a child and its risks at old age. However, only a few men will realize the risk of reproduction at an advancing age. When people become parents at old age, it leads to implications for the child and women while giving birth. For the last four decades, the age at which people start settling down and become parents is rising. Many couples are marrying late and having delays in giving birth to children. However, this can lead to numerous consequences. In this article, we will discuss why you should not give birth to children at old age.

Older Men and Healthy Children

That is why experts are exploring the effect of dad’s age on the health and career of children. Journal BMJ published a study in October 2018 that men who become fathers at the ages 45 to 54 can cause risks of low birth weight and premature birth when compared to men who become fathers at ages 25 to 34.

When the child is born early, they might develop numerous and long-term mental and physical problems (Source). However, when they have low birth weight, they need to stay in the hospital for a while in the intensive care unit. In other research, experts suggest that older dads increase the risk of miscarriage. Furthermore, it may lead to children developing schizophrenia and autism.

Motility and Age of Sperm

According to a study, the motility of sperm changes with age. The motility of sperm defines how well the sperm can swim. At the age of 25, the motility of sperm is at its best, and at the age of 55, it is the lowest. For instance, if you compare the number of healthy sperm cells in men from the age of 30 to 55, you will find that the motility decreases at the rate of 54. In a study in 2019, it was found that (Source):

  • Older fathers have a high rate of infertility, even if their partner is under 25.
  • Men over the age of 45 will father the child having low birth weight, birth abnormalities, and low Apgar score. This means that the child will have lower health at the time of birth.

Risk of Genetic Problems

Apart from low-quality semen, the age of a man will also impact the genetic sperm quality. A study at the University of California at Berkeley and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory suggests that the effect of age in men will cause genetic defects in the sperm. Sperm defects can:

  • Increase the risk of stillbirth
  • Increase the risk of birth defects
  • Increase the chances of miscarriage
  • Increase infertility

Researchers have found that older men are not at the risk of infertility, but they have a higher risk of transferring the genetic problems to their children. Furthermore, the age of men and women can also increase the birth defects in the child. For instance, the risk of Down syndrome increases when an older couple has a child.

In another study that included 3,000 children, researchers found that at age 35 or older, paternal age has a major influence. The hypothesis was correct in this situation. At the maternal age of 40 or more, the chances of the child developing Down’s syndrome are 50%. The children are not at the risk of developing Down syndrome, but other conditions also. For instance, when the father is older, the children are at the risk of developing:

  • Schizophrenia
  • Childhood leukemia
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Autism
  • Achondroplasia, which is a kind of dwarfism.


Can Older Men Have Healthy Children?

Risk Factors

If you are thinking about becoming a father at the age of 40 or above, you should discuss the consequences with the doctor:

  • You can ask the doctor if your health conditions affect the child. For instance, if your weight, age, diet, and other health conditions will affect the child’s health.
  • How lifestyle habits like alcohol consumption, smoking, and other illicit drugs will affect your fertility. Moreover, do you take any medication that can affect the health of your child?
  • Do you need a semen analysis before having a child with your partner? The analysis will help you understand if you have a low sperm count or not.
  • You can also ask your doctor if your age will cause any risk to the health of the newborn child. Men can produce sperm cells up until they die. But they may not necessarily have a healthy child at an older age.

Can Older Men Have Healthy Children? Consult an Experienced Urologist

If you are thinking of giving birth to a child despite your age, you can discuss the condition with top urologist Dr. Yaniv Larish. He will guide you regarding the consequences and the risk factors for giving birth to a child at your age.

Schedule an in-person or tele-appointment today at (646) 862-5500.

Yaniv Larish, MD

4 East 76th Street
New York, NY 10021

(646) 862-5500

What is Vasectomy Reversal?

Vasectomy surgery entails cutting the vas deferens to prevent sperm from entering the ejaculate in order to produce long term sterility. (click to enlarge)

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Vasectomy reversal micro-surgery entails reconnecting the two ends of the vas deferens utilizing a surgical microscope, micro-instruments and micro-sutures in order to allow the sperm to enter the ejaculate and regain fertility after vasectomy surgery.

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