Vasectomy is a surgical procedure. It is a form of male sterilization. It permanently disables a man from impregnating any women. Conventional vasectomy is when the doctor cuts the male vasa deferentia and ties it, this prevents the sperm from entering the urethra and without the sperm, the ejaculated semen cannot cause pregnancy in the women. This male sterilization prevents unplanned pregnancies. This form of procedure has become widely popular in the world because of its effectiveness and its quick and safe implications.
No Scalpel Vasectomy
This vasectomy does not involve making deep incisions in your scrotum. The doctor uses hands to spot the vas deferens under your scrotum and holds it in place with a clamp. They will then cut it and seal it using sears or stitches. This procedure will not require any stitches after it’s performed.

Side Effects
This procedure is generally safe. Uncommon complications can include swelling, inflammation or infections. This procedure also has zero affect on your testosterone levels and does not make you vulnerable to other complications.
Vasectomies are generally very effective; the chances of impregnating after getting a vasectomy are very slim. In very rare occasions, the vas deferens tubes can rejoin and some sperm can enter the urethra. This will result in impregnation despite the surgical vasectomy.
A person can engage in sexual intercourse a week after the procedure. It is important to have the levels of sperm count monitored post-surgery. A sperm level of above 1 can result conception. After the vasectomy, it is advisable to use contraception until the two semen analyses in the span of three to four months is confirmed.
Vasectomy Reversal
Vasectomy reversal is a procedure that undoes the vasectomy. It rejoins the vas deferens to the urethra so that the sperm can enter the semen again. This makes the male fertile again and able to impregnate a women. There are certain procedures that reverse the results of the vasectomy. This reversal surgical procedure is vasovasostomy. Only microsurgeons perform this kind of surgery. This surgery demands abundant skills and precision in order to perform it. Professionals that have spent their lives practicing this craft can only be trusted for it. Doctors and surgeons that perform this procedure need to have experience in this field along with extensive knowledge on vasectomy reversals.

Why Men Choose Vasectomy Reversal
Vasectomy reversals are usually a result of the change of heart that people undergo. A person might chose to reverse his vasectomy if he meets a suitable partner and that can change his decision into starting a family. Advancements in microsurgery and surgical procedures like vasovasostomy make it possible for men to reconsider their decisions. Professional micro-surgeons have made the reversal procedure possible for many men who change their minds.
How Must Does a Vasectomy Reversal Cost?
The total cost of a vasectomy reversible includes a surgeon’s fee along with the hospital’s fee and the fee of the anesthesiologist. The surgeon’s fee can range from $4000 to $10,000 and the hospitals fee and anesthesiologists fee combined can range from $4000 to $10,000 as well. Therefore, the average cost of the whole procedure can vary depending on which hospital you get the procedure, in which state and the physician that you will appoint.
Average Costs of a Vasectomy Reversal: Conclusion
We humans are indecisive at times, we make mistakes and learn to let go of them and live with them. Most of the times, the mistakes we make are not reversible. We can do nothing about them except contemplate on our misdoings and lead a regretful life. If you think getting a vasectomy was a mistake, you do not need to worry. There is absolutely no need to be regretful of that decision. Do not think twice about reconsidering the restoration of your fertility. Modern advancements in microsurgery have made it possible for you to reverse your Vasectomy with ease.
If you are looking for professional and experienced vasectomy reversal surgeon, schedule a private consultation with Dr. Yaniv Larish.
Yaniv Larish, MD
4 East 76th Street
New York, NY 10021
(646) 862-5500