Dr. Yaniv Larish specializes in micro-surgery to reverse vasectomies.

Vasectomy Reversal NYC Couple with Baby 10

Dr. Larish performs vasectomy reversal micro-surgery at Gramercy Surgery Center. This state of the art facility utilizes the most modern and advanced high quality surgical microscope, micro-instruments and the most highly trained nurses and support staff.

Dr. Larish has helped many men successfully reverse their vasectomies.

Call today for a consultation:

(646) 862-5500

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Category Archives: Vasectomy Regret

Emotions and Vasectomy Reversal: A Brief Guide

What are some general thoughts about emotions and vasectomy reversal? Vasectomy reversal is not only a physical procedure but also an emotional journey for many individuals and couples. It’s a process filled with hope, anticipation, and sometimes anxiety. In this blog, we’ll delve into the emotional aspects of vasectomy reversal, helping you understand and navigate the feelings that may arise along the way.

Emotions and Vasectomy Reversal

Emotions and Vasectomy Reversal: A Brief Guide

The Initial Decision

Hope and Excitement:

The decision to pursue vasectomy reversal is often accompanied by a sense of hope and excitement. It’s the first step toward potentially expanding your family and realizing your dreams of parenthood.

Apprehension and Uncertainty:

However, along with hope comes apprehension and uncertainty. It’s natural to wonder about the success of the procedure, potential challenges, and the emotional toll it may take.

Preparing for the Procedure

Anticipation and Eagerness:

As the procedure date approaches, you may experience a mix of anticipation and eagerness. You’re getting closer to your goal of restoring fertility, and this can be a motivating factor.

Anxiety and Concern:

On the flip side, it’s common to feel anxiety and concern about the surgery itself. Thoughts about potential complications or the unknown can be emotionally challenging.

Post-Procedure Recovery

Patience and Optimism:

After the surgery, there’s a period of recovery. During this time, you may feel a sense of patience and optimism, hoping for a successful outcome.

Frustration and Impatience:

Conversely, if the recovery process takes longer than expected or if there are setbacks, frustration and impatience can set in. It’s essential to acknowledge these emotions and seek support.

The Wait for Results

Hopeful Anticipation:

Once you’ve recovered, there’s a waiting period before you can determine if the vasectomy reversal was successful. This phase is marked by hopeful anticipation, as you eagerly await the results.

Anxiety and Apprehension:

However, it’s natural to also experience anxiety and apprehension during this waiting period. The uncertainty of the outcome can be emotionally taxing.

Achieving Success

Joy and Fulfillment:

If the vasectomy reversal is successful and pregnancy occurs, it’s a time of pure joy and fulfillment. The emotional journey comes full circle, and you’re one step closer to your family goals.

Gratitude and Relief:

There’s also a sense of gratitude and relief that accompanies a successful vasectomy reversal. You’ve overcome challenges and achieved a significant milestone.

Coping with Challenges

Seek Support:

Throughout the emotional journey of vasectomy reversal, it’s crucial to seek support. Talk to your partner, friends, or a mental health professional if needed. Sharing your feelings can alleviate emotional burdens.

Consult a Specialist:

Consulting with a specialist like Dr. Yaniv Larish, who is experienced in vasectomy reversal, can provide expert medical expertise to help you make an informed decision. A knowledgeable and compassionate healthcare provider can guide you through the entire process.

Emotions and Vasectomy Reversal Conclusion: You’re Not Alone

Remember that the emotional journey of vasectomy reversal is a shared experience. You’re not alone in the feelings you may encounter along the way. Seeking support and guidance can help you navigate the emotional aspects of this significant life decision.

Dr. Yaniv Larish is here to assist you on your vasectomy reversal journey, providing both medical guidance and compassionate care. Don’t hesitate to seek help and embrace the emotional aspects of this process. If you’re considering vasectomy reversal and need medical expertise, reach out to Dr. Larish today:

Yaniv Larish, MD
4 East 76th Street
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (646) 862-5500

Is Vasectomy Reversal Right for You? Assessing Candidacy and Factors to Consider

Vasectomy Reversal Candidacy

How does a urologist go about assessing candidacy for vasectomy reversal? Vasectomy reversal is a significant decision for individuals who wish to regain their fertility after undergoing a vasectomy. Before embarking on this journey, it is essential to assess your candidacy and carefully consider various factors. In this blog, we will explore the key considerations and help you determine if vasectomy reversal is the right choice for you.

Time Since Vasectomy: A Crucial Factor

The duration between your original vasectomy and the decision to pursue vasectomy reversal plays a significant role in the success of the procedure. Generally, the shorter the time elapsed since the vasectomy, the higher the chances of a successful reversal. However, even if several years have passed, it may still be possible to restore fertility through advanced surgical techniques. Consulting with a skilled urologist will provide insight into your specific situation.

Vasectomy Reversal Candidacy: Age and Overall Health

Your age and overall health are vital considerations when assessing candidacy for vasectomy reversal. While age alone does not necessarily disqualify you from the procedure, it can impact the success rates. Additionally, underlying health conditions, such as diabetes or obesity, may affect the surgical outcome. A thorough evaluation by a urologist will help determine if vasectomy reversal is a viable option for you.

Family Planning Goals

Understanding your family planning goals is crucial before pursuing vasectomy reversal. Reflect on your desire to have children and consider the emotional, financial, and lifestyle implications of expanding your family. Openly discussing these goals with your partner and involving them in the decision-making process is essential. Dr. Yaniv Larish, an experienced urologist, can provide guidance tailored to your specific family planning aspirations.

Becoming a father in middle age

Previous Fertility Issues

If you or your partner have experienced previous fertility issues before the vasectomy, such as low sperm count or motility, it is essential to address these concerns during the consultation process. A comprehensive evaluation by a urologist specializing in male reproductive health can help determine the best course of action, including whether additional interventions, such as assisted reproductive technologies, may be necessary in conjunction with vasectomy reversal.

Emotional Preparedness and Support

Undergoing vasectomy reversal is not only a physical journey but also an emotional one. It is crucial to assess your emotional readiness and ensure you have a strong support system in place. Discuss your feelings, concerns, and expectations with your partner, family, or close friends. Additionally, seeking the guidance of a supportive urologist can provide the reassurance and information you need to navigate this process successfully.

Conclusion: Determining Your Candidacy for Vasectomy Reversal

Deciding whether vasectomy reversal is right for you requires careful consideration of several factors. Assessing the time since your vasectomy, your age, overall health, family planning goals, previous fertility issues, and emotional preparedness will help you make an informed choice.

To determine your candidacy and receive personalized guidance, consult with Dr. Yaniv Larish, a highly skilled urologist in New York City who specializes in vasectomy reversals. Dr. Larish’s expertise in male reproductive health, combined with his compassionate approach to patient care, ensures that you receive comprehensive support throughout your vasectomy reversal journey.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Larish to discuss your specific situation, address any concerns, and receive personalized guidance regarding your candidacy for vasectomy reversal.

Yaniv Larish, MD
4 East 76th Street
New York, NY 10021
(646) 862-5500

Remember, the decision to pursue vasectomy reversal is highly personal and should be made after careful consideration of various factors. Dr. Larish and his dedicated team are here to provide you with the expertise, support, and information you need to make an informed decision about your fertility journey.

Disclaimer: This blog post is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. It is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized guidance regarding vasectomy reversal and your specific medical needs.

Can You Reverse a Vasectomy?

Is it possible to reverse a vasectomy? Vasectomies were once a very controversial procedure, as many believed it had many risks. However, over the years, not only has the procedure become much safer, but it has also become significantly more effective at reducing the possibility of a couple conceiving.

Reverse a Vasectomy Info

With how the procedure is performed, the chances of people conceiving become almost impossible. While there are instances of an individual possibly impregnating their partner despite the procedure, that will usually happen due to the surgeon’s mistake.

However, that is not to say that a vasectomy is not reversible. It is more than possible to reverse a vasectomy, especially if you have the right microsurgeon to perform the procedure. Here is a more detailed look at if you can reverse a vasectomy.

Process of Reversing a Vasectomy

The process of reversing a vasectomy is the exact opposite of a vasectomy. A surgeon will access your vas deferens and reconnect to allow the sperm to travel to the semen, allowing it to be part of the ejaculate.

The vas deferens connect to a small sack behind the testes called the epididymis, where the body stores the sperm. When the body is about to ejaculate, the epididymis will send sperm to mix with the semen, allowing it to be part of the ejaculate.

The vasectomy will sever this connection, meaning only semen will be part of the ejaculate. On the contrary, reversing a vasectomy means connecting both of these organs again.

While this procedure may seem simple initially, it can be difficult and requires a surgeon. Without a surgeon with unique experience and training with these types of operations, the risks of possible side effects can rise exponentially.

The surgeon will add micro stitches to the vas deferens after connecting them. Although, first, the surgeon will have to check if the individual has healthy sperm. If they do, then they can move forward with the operation.

Who Should Get a Vasectomy Reversal?

Suppose you have recently changed your mind about starting a family or having kids. Vasectomies can often be a final solution for birth control, but people can have a change of heart about wanting kids. They might have lost their child in an accident or want to try again.

Can you Reverse a Vasectomy?

In some cases, there is also the possibility of a person feeling an ache because of a bad surgery. Sometimes a vasectomy does not go according to plan, leading to people wanting to get a vasectomy reversal to help with the pain.

Side Effects of a Vasectomy Reversal

There can be possible side effects to getting a vasectomy reversal. Although rare, it is important to talk about the side effects that could result from a vasectomy reversal since you should know the best course of action to take if you see any symptoms.


It is likely with almost every operation, and the best course of action after it is to get the necessary antibiotics to treat it.

Bleeding in the Scrotum

It is usually the result of a patient needing to follow through on the recommended aftercare. You should visit your urologist immediately and follow their instructions after surgery.

Can You Reverse a Vasectomy? Conclusion

If you’re looking for an excellent surgeon to reverse a vasectomy, consider going to Dr. Yaniv Larish, who has helped many men reverse their vasectomy. With state of the art technology and years of experience in the field, he has everything necessary to perform a successful procedure. 

Schedule a consultation today.

Yaniv Larish, MD
4 East 76th Street
New York, NY 10021
(646) 862-5500

Should I Reverse My Vasectomy?

Have you asked yourself, “should I reverse my vasectomy?” A vasectomy reversal refers to undoing a previously done vasectomy. Vasectomies act as a birth control measure to prevent the risk of unwanted pregnancies. However, it permanently blocks off sperm flow towards the penis, making it difficult for your partner to get pregnant. However, this doesn’t mean that a man has to remain sterile for the rest of his life. The procedure can be reversed through another procedure called vasectomy reversal. After a vasectomy reversal, the sperm reenters the seminal fluid that the patient released upon ejaculating.

Should I Reverse My Vasectomy?

The short procedure makes it possible for you and your partner to get pregnant. For your information, getting your partner pregnant will depend on the success rate of the vasectomy reversal that you underwent. For instance, the success rate for vasectomy reversals varies significantly and can be anywhere between 30% – 90%. Furthermore, you must consider several factors before opting for the expensive procedure.

Potential Procedural Risks

Nearly all vasectomies can be reversed, but the success rate can’t be ignored. It’s one of the most crucial factors to a vasectomy reversal. While reversal is possible, no expert can guarantee that you will have success in conceiving a child. The longer you spend time with a vasectomy, the fewer your chances get of conceiving a child with your partner or spouse. However, you must know that the success rate remains high for the first couple of years regardless of your decision to conceive a child or not.

Since we’re talking about the medical procedure related to vasectomy reversal, it’s worth mentioning that there can be several side effects. The side effects are more like risk factors that could emerge post-procedure leading to discomfort and painful symptoms. Here are some of those:

·       Scrotum Internal Bleeding

Hematoma can occur inside the scrotum if one or several wrong incisions are made or perhaps when the incisions aren’t closed properly. The collection of blood can cause painful swelling within the scrotum. However, you must realize that such instances usually occur when patients don’t take good care of their surgical site, i.e., scrotum.

·       Chronic Pain

Although it’s common to experience pain after a vasectomy reversal procedure, persistent pain is quite uncommon.

·       Surgical Site Infection

An infection where the skin has been slit open isn’t uncommon. However, all expert urologists and surgeons give proper advice along with adequate medication to prevent infections in the body.

Micro Surgery for Vasectomy Reversal: The Procedure

Vasectomy reversals target the vas deferens near men’s pelvic area. Vas deferens is the nerve that enables sperm flow towards the penis region for ejaculation. During a vasectomy, the surgeon uses fine tools and equipment to tie off the vas deferens and stop sperm from reaching the penis.

However, during the reversal procedure, the surgeon analyzes the condition of the vas deferens and rejoins the tied ends to enable sperm flow for healthy and fertile ejaculation.

Should I Reverse My Vasectomy | Top Vas Reversal Surgeon NYC

The use of microsurgical tools is quite important because vas deferens isn’t easily noticeable through minor incisions. But, you shouldn’t be too worried about any discomfort because surgeons usually provide anesthesia to numb the site of the incision. The surgeons commonly use one of the two methods below to reattach the vas deferens.


In this surgical procedure, the surgeon re-attaches the vas deferens for a sperm-containing ejaculate. However, the vas deferens is attached directly to the sperm-producing organs’ tissues, i.e., testicles. This is a less commonly sought-after and performed surgery compared to the alternative.

The surgeon responsible for carrying out your vasectomy reversal will first analyze the fluid content from your vas deferens to see whether it contains sperms or not. If they fail to find an adequate number of sperm cells, vasoepididymostomy is chosen as an effective medical solution.


This procedure is relatively simpler than vasoepididymostomy. It involves the use of fine surgical tools to re-attach the severed/tied ends of the tube that carries sperms to the penis, i.e., vas deferens.

Post Procedure Checking

Once the procedure is complete, your surgeon will require a semen sample from you to examine under a fine microscope. Under the microscope, the surgeon will check the fluid for semen content. Based on the surgeon’s experience and knowledge, if the fluid passes certain thresholds, the operation will be considered a success.

The surgeon will advise that you continue showing up for scheduled semen analysis until they can confirm that your vasectomy reversal was a success. Of course, if you get your partner pregnant after the operation, regular semen analysis won’t be necessary to confirm that the operation was successful.

Should I Reverse My Vasectomy: Conclusion

At Vasectomy Reversal NYC, we help all our patients according to their needs. Dr. Yaniv Larish is among the top urologists in NYC. He has excellent surgical skills honed through years of practice under reputable professionals. If you need a vasectomy reversal, you should consult with  Dr. Larish.

You can discuss the possible complications, outcomes, and eligibility criteria with Dr. Larish. It’s important that you discuss freely, and that’s why our doctor carries a compassionate attitude. Call us at (646) 862-5500 to set an appointment today!

Did You Have a Change of Mind About Your Vasectomy?

Did you have a change of mind about your vasectomy and now want to have children? A successful vasectomy reversal procedure can make that a reality. Did you know that a huge proportion of the US male population is hesitant to get vasectomies because it involves several visits to the urologists and high costs?

Change of Mind About Your Vasectomy

Well, people can change their minds after getting a vasectomy. You and your partner/spouse may think it’s time to start a family, or maybe you feel that you’re depriving yourself of a good life by not having children.

Although perspectives vary and the reasons behind getting a vasectomy reversal can be many, it is possible to reverse a vasectomy you had a long time ago effectively. This post will answer some important questions about vasectomy reversals.

Why Get a Vasectomy Reversal?

There can be quite a few reasons for reversing a vasectomy. We will go over some of the most common reasons why men reverse their vasectomies to make you more confident in your decision. However, you shouldn’t sign up for a vasectomy reversal before consulting a reputable urologist/ surgeon. The reasons why people reverse their vasectomy include:

·       Loss of a Child

Some couples have had the misfortune of losing their children—couples who wish to have a single child go for a vasectomy after healthy childbirth. However, the loss of a child can make couples wish to try again. Fortunately, this is a rare case in the US.

·       Change of Heart

Some couples originally decide that they’re not ready to invite children into their lives. That’s why they opt for a vasectomy medical procedure. They can have a healthy sex life with extremely low risks of pregnancy. However, with time, couples can change their mind. That’s when couples opt for a vasectomy reversal.

·       Remarriage

After remarrying, a husband might wish to have children again to turnover a new stone in life. This is the case for many couples in the US.

·       Testicular Pain

Lastly, it’s worth mentioning that some patients can experience sharp scrotum-related pain near their pelvic area after getting a vasectomy. When antibiotics, therapy, and other treatments don’t help to eliminate the pain, urologists have to perform a vasectomy reversal procedure. It’s worth mentioning that persistent pain after the surgery isn’t common and usually occurs due to lack of care.

The patient might not have been careful with their wound. For instance, indulging in strenuous exercises right after the procedure or having sex can break the stitches on the vas deferens leading to internal bleeding and swelling. Furthermore, persistent pain can also occur if the surgeon/urologist you chose was inexperienced in performing such complex procedures.

What Happens During a Vasectomy Reversal?

In a vasectomy reversal surgery, the surgeon will administer general anesthesia similar to most patients upon their discretion. The anesthesia will have a numbing effect on the surgical site while putting you to sleep temporarily. The numbing agent helps prevent any pain and discomfort during the procedure.

Afterward, the procedure begins when the surgeon makes a small incision on your scrotum. It is a small sack-like organ below your penis containing testicles. The tube will be exposed through the incisions, and the surgeon will generate a visual feed to gain a good view of the tube.

Change of Mind About Your Vasectomy Urologist

The surgeon will separate the vas deferens, i.e., the tube that carries sperm, from surrounding tissues to operate on it. Then, your surgeon will incise the tube and collect a small amount of semen from it to analyze it for sperms. Depending on the analysis results, the surgeon will proceed with one of the two microsurgery methods, including vasovasostomy and vasoepididymostomy.

If the vas deferens contain healthy sperm with semen fluid, the surgeon will reattach the tied and severed ends of the tube. This should allow for a healthy passage of sperm to travel towards the penis. If the semen doesn’t have any sperm or healthy sperm inside the severed vas deferens upon analysis, the surgeon might attach the vas deferens directly to the testicles’ tissues (i.e., sperm-producing organs).

Change of Mind About Your Vasectomy: Conclusion

Before you’re ready to sign up for a vasectomy reversal, make sure you’re in contact with the right urological expert. Sometimes, going to the wrong surgeon or urologist can increase procedure costs and complications. A Vasectomy Reversal NYC, Dr. Yaniv Larish MD offers expert urological healthcare services, including vasectomies and reversal procedures.

Dr. Larish possesses unique knowledge and an expert set of surgical skills to operate on different types of patients. He has successfully helped many couples conceive via vasectomy reversals. Give us a call to schedule an appointment today.

Yaniv Larish, MD
4 East 76th Street
New York, NY 10021


I Changed My Mind About My Vasectomy. What Are My Options?

Have you or someone you know changed their mind about their vasectomy? It’s common for men who undergo vasectomies to change their minds and want to reverse the process. Some search for a solution so they can bear children again, but many are under the impression that reversal is not possible. So, if you want to have kids after having a vasectomy, you can get it reversed. But, vasectomy surgery is more complicated than a reversal.

changed mind about vasectomy

Vasectomy is a process wherein the doctor cuts the vas deferens and blocks sperm flow from the testes to your penis. Vas deferens are a tube that carries the sperm cells, so they combine with the semen during ejaculation. While conducting a vasectomy reversal, a surgeon has to reconnect both the tube’s ends, allowing sperm to pass through. If you live in NYC, you can visit Vasectomy Reversal NYC and consult highly qualified and experienced doctors.

Who Gets a Vasectomy Reversal?

If you finally decide to start a family, you can consider vasectomy reversal. Five to six years after their vasectomy, men often decide to have children again. Either they feel like they are ready to raise a child, or their spouse wishes to have children. Doctors may also recommend this procedure if you experience pain in your testicles. Yes, in some cases, people develop pain because of their vasectomy. You may experience pain for various reasons, but the reversal is an effective way to get pain relief and have children with your partner.

Yes! I Want a Reversal. What Should I Do Next?

Regardless of your reason to get a vasectomy reversal, you need to consider few things. For starters, you are not the first person to regret your decision to get a vasectomy. Hundreds and thousands of people change their minds after the first few years. Suppose you are one of them; no need to worry. You can opt for a vasectomy reversal, which is a non-invasive surgery. However, keep in mind that you need an experienced doctor to perform the surgery.

Getting your vasectomy reversed by a professional doctor with extensive training will increase the success rate. Not to mention, they should have years of practice performing the procedure, so they understand how to do it without causing complications. Vasectomy reversal is a safe and successful surgery to recover from vasectomy. If you discuss the option with a person who previously got a vasectomy reversal, they will likely recommend that you get one.

What Is Vasectomy Reversal?

Vasectomy reversal is a surgery that involves the reconnection of vas deferens. Many people undergo a vasectomy due to male sterilization and permanent contraception. After some time, many people change their minds and want a reversal. Vasectomy reversal is a time-consuming and expensive treatment. Considering the success rate of this procedure, it is the most effective technique to regain your fertility.

The success rate of vasectomy reversal highly depends on when you decided to get a reversal. The earlier you make up your mind, the higher the success rate. Your body keeps on changing from time to time. After a vasectomy, your body will recover, and it reaches a point where surgeons find difficulty in reattaching the tube.

How Is a Vasectomy Reversed?

There are methods for vasectomy reversal. The first and common method for reversal is vasovasostomy. In this procedure, the doctor will attach both ends of the vas deferens tube. When this happens, sperm can travel from the testes to your penis as you ejaculate. The second procedure for vasectomy reversal is vasoepididymostomy. In this method, the doctor will attach the vas deferens with a small organ that holds your sperm. The doctor will find this organ behind each testicle. This procedure is more difficult than a vasovasostomy. Surgeons recommend this procedure if a vasovasostomy is not possible or it doesn’t work.

changed mind about vasectomy options

A professional doctor will perform a vasectomy reversal in their clinic or hospital. The procedure takes place after the doctor gives you general anesthesia. You will be unconscious throughout the process and won’t feel any pain. You will regain consciousness in two to four hours. After the surgery, you can leave for home. However, you will recover from the reversal procedure within two weeks. You can get vasectomy reversal numerous times. However, each time that you undergo the procedure, the success rate decreases.

Changed Mind About Vasectomy? Conclusion

Vasectomy reversal is an effective technique to regain your fertility. If you recently underwent a vasectomy, your success rate for reversal is higher. However, as time goes by, the success rate decreases. Vasectomy reversal isn’t an extensive technique. There are two types of reversal methods; vasovasostomy and vasoepididymostomy.

Do you want a vasectomy reversal? Contact us at 646-862-5500. We perform vasectomy reversals under the supervision of a highly qualified surgeon, Dr. Yaniv Larish. Feel free to contact us and make an appointment.

Why Do Men Reverse Their Vasectomies?

Why do men reverse their vasectomies? The 20th century has made many changes to marital relationships. Marriage is no longer a need-based requirement for survival. There was a time when people lived in an economical construct, based strictly on monarchic values. In these times, people who lived amongst their families in large numbers benefited from sharing labor. The beginning of the 20th century and the changes in world dynamics have made marital relationships unnecessary for survival. The glue that holds marriages together in the modern world is the intertwined feelings and emotions between the spouses. When we consider this, the crude decisions of couples getting vasectomies and vasectomy reversal begin to make more sense.

Why Do Men Reverse Their Vasectomies?

A vasectomy is a surgically executed procedure. It permanently makes a person infertile and so they can never reproduce. This is a form of birth control along with other forms of birth control. Most people are very happy with their decisions of a vasectomy but 20 percent of people reconsider their decisions. There are certain reasons why a person would reconsider such a huge decision. One of the most common reasons is regret.

·      Regret

People often find themselves making decisions solely based on their emotions. The decision to get a vasectomy is, however, a decision that takes time to make. It is very less likely to be an emotional decision. Even though it is mostly not an emotionally driven decision, you can still find yourself regretting it.  Modern psychology suggests that even intellectually thought-out decisions can be turn out to be regretful because of the inconsistent and unpredictable nature of human emotions.  If you look at it from the perspective of behavioral science, regret becomes an undeniable and normal reason for getting a vasectomy reversal.

Why Do Men Reverse Their Vasectomies

·      Change in Perspective

A person that opts for a vasectomy reversal makes that decision based on certain beliefs and morals. Regret can also stem from certain changes in life that makes a person change their perspective on life. Certain accidental events can occur in their lives that make them re-think about their decisions on the vasectomy. These events can be a tragedy or in some cases even a celebration. A person can also change perspectives by getting inspired to views that oppose his ideology. Inspiration can come from anywhere, an internet video, a person, an event or even by one’s own mind.

·      Having a Vasectomy in an Unstable Marriage

A vasectomy between spouses is usually a collective decision. In some cases, the person decides to get a vasectomy because of the other partner wants them too. There are relationships that make one-sided rash decisions. In a few cases, the husband agrees to have a vasectomy because the more dominant wife forces her decisions on him. This type of marriage, which lacks compatibility and compassion, is more likely to end in divorce and an unwanted vasectomy. Divorced men, when looking for a new spouse are likely to get a vasectomy reversal to fulfill the desires of conceiving and starting a family.

·      Benefits of Vasectomy Reversal

Another reason why men chose vasectomy reversal instead of other alternative methods like artificial insemination, Vitro fertilization is because it saves the added costs of frequent doctor’s visit and medications. Not only that, it also provides the opportunity to experience natural childbirth. Artificial methods can be very costly; they can also be a very alienating experience for the mother. Natural childbirth is a more preferable way of conceiving because the mother feels more connected to her baby. It is also a more relatable process because it has been going on for centuries. The restoration of fertility is not temporary but lasts for the rest of your life.

·      The Success Rates of Vasectomy Reversal

People are often times apprehensive before going through a surgical procedure. Not everyone is comfortable with the idea of a surgical procedure in their genital area. A person might reconsider going through any surgery that does not even completely ensure successful results. People tend to make the decision of undergoing a vasectomy reversal with no hesitation because of the unwavering success that it has. The rate of achieving pregnancy after a vasectomy reversal ranges as high as 97%. In men who have longer delays after vasectomy, the success rate can be as high 67%. It also rarely has any negative effects, not to mention the post-surgery pain, which is more or less the same as post vasectomy pain.

Why Do Men Reverse Their Vasectomies?

Why Do Men Reverse Their Vasectomies? Conclusion

Many reasons can play into a person’s mind, which can eventually make him decide in favor of a vasectomy reversal.  Technological advancements in microsurgery have made it possible for a man to choose against his own decisions. Men who wish to have their vasectomy reversed can now easily make that decision.

Multiple, variable reasons can dictate their decision, but the possibility of the outcome will always remain constant. If you wish to stamp your decision on getting a vasectomy reversal, visit our clinic and Dr. Yaniv Larish will provide you with skilled and professional care and consultation.

Yaniv Larish, MD
4 East 76th Street
New York, NY 10021
(646) 862-5500

Do You Regret Your Vasectomy?

Did you get a vasectomy and now regret it? Getting a vasectomy is an effective, long-term birth control method for men trying to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Often, these men don’t have plans to have children with their partners. In some cases, however, men opt to get a vasectomy after a spur-of-the-moment decision. They fail to consider long-term effects and, later on, regret the effects. To avoid this scenario, it’s crucial that men discuss the surgery’s long-term effects with their respective physicians.

One of the main reasons men regret the decision is when they decide to have a child with their partner. Nonetheless, there are other reasons as well, so let’s discuss them below.

Why People Choose Vasectomy at First Place

1.    Vasectomies are Effective

After undergoing a vasectomy, the chances of pregnancy are a mere one percent. This makes the procedure more effective than birth control pills and rubbers.

2.    They have Lower Risk

While there are chances of incurring a risk in all surgeries, the chances of complications during vasectomy are especially low. Chances of experiencing an infection, pain, or bleeding are only two to three percent. Only ten percent of men might develop severe pain, which occurs when sperm builds-up after a Vasectomy.

3.    A Vasectomy Simplifies Sex

Vasectomy allows sexual freedom without having to worry about unwanted pregnancies. If you previously used other forms of contraceptives to avoid pregnancies, a vasectomy acts as a long-term, simpler solution. Nevertheless, a vasectomy doesn’t prevent the spread of STIs.

Do You Regret Your Vasectomy?

Why Men Sometimes Regret Their Vasectomy

After undergoing a vasectomy, men may regret the decision. This can happen for numerous reasons. Here is the main reason why you might want to reverse your vasectomy:

1.    Change of Mind

After having a vasectomy, you or your spouse may have second thoughts about having a child. Going through vasectomy is a huge decision, so it is better to consider all the complications before undergoing surgery. In the event that you have already opted for a vasectomy, you need to consider vasectomy reversal to regain your fertility.

2.    New Partner

You might not think this through but suppose you are with a new partner who wants to have a child. When you are with a partner who does not want to get pregnant, you should know that it is possible that things do not stay the same between you and her.

3.    Non-Invasive

Just like a vasectomy, reversal is a non-invasive procedure. You will be awake the whole time, and the specialist will inject local anesthesia into your scrotum for numbness. The surgery is simple, and the doctor will perform it in their office. In rare cases, the doctor may perform the surgery in an operation theatre.

4.    Simple Procedure

Vasectomy reversal is a simple and straightforward procedure. During the surgery, the urologist will locate both the ends of vas deferens and stitch them together. This opens the blockage, and you regain your fertility.

5.    Family Name

When opting for a vasectomy, you might not realize how important it is to carry on your lineage. However, you might recognize the need to have a child afterward. This happens when you think you won’t start a family. But as time passes on, you may meet someone to spend the rest of your life with. That is when you need to undergo surgery.

Other Reason for Vasectomy Reversal

Here are some other reasons you may want to undergo vasectomy reversal.

  • You want to have a child after separating from your previous partner
  • Your parents want you to have a child in the future
  • You have enough resources and a stable-enough life to start a family.
  • You experience pain in the testicles after the vasectomy

What’s a Vasectomy Reversal?

While going through vasectomy reversal, the surgeon will locate the vas deferens and reconnect the tube. This will enable the sperm to mix with the semen. Vasectomy does not stop your sperm production, but it disconnects the tube, so it does not reach the penis when you ejaculate. On the other hand, a vasectomy reversal reverses the procedure. With this surgery, sperm will be part of the semen, increasing the chances of your partner getting pregnant.

Vasectomy Regret? NYC Urologist

Conclusion: Consult An Experienced Urologist if You regret Your Vasectomy

When you feel like you want to have a child after a vasectomy, you must undergo vasectomy reversal to revive your infertility. If you want to undergo a vasectomy reversal in New York City, contact us. You can consult one of the best Urologists in NYC, Dr. Yaniv Larish. He will guide you through the procedure and complications of reversing your vasectomy.

To make an appointment, contact us at (646) 862-5500. With the help of advanced and high-tech tools, Dr. Larish will diagnose your condition and help you with the procedure.

Yaniv Larish, MD

4 East 76th Street
New York, NY 10021

(646) 862-5500

What is Vasectomy Reversal?

Vasectomy surgery entails cutting the vas deferens to prevent sperm from entering the ejaculate in order to produce long term sterility. (click to enlarge)

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Vasectomy reversal micro-surgery entails reconnecting the two ends of the vas deferens utilizing a surgical microscope, micro-instruments and micro-sutures in order to allow the sperm to enter the ejaculate and regain fertility after vasectomy surgery.

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