Surgeons performing vasovasostomy procedures need to be as very precise. As a result, a microsurgical three layer technique has been developed. The goal is to make sure that sutures are placed the exact correct orientation. The MircroDot technique was originally developed at Cornell University to improve the vasovasostomy procedure. If you are currently considering a vasectomy reversal surgery, you will want to be aware of this advancement.
What is the Microdot Method for vasectomy reversal surgery? 
This special technique places tiny dots on the ends of the vas deferens. These dots are marked with a microtip pen. Once doctors can see these exact points clearly, they can improve accuracy rates for the sutures. The dots are put at 12, 3, 6, and 9’oclock placements with additional dots between.
Dr. Larish ensures that the placement of the sutures is extremely accurate. Through this means, he can focus better on perfecting the procedure.
Vasectomy Reversal Microdot Method Success Rates
Results at the James Buchanan Brady Foundation Department of Urology at the Weill Cornell Medical College showed that over 194 consecutive procedures, a patency rate of 99.5% was obtained. Resulting pregnancy rates are greater than 70%.
Your Vasectomy Reversal Surgery
Dr. Larish and his team are pleased to answer any questions you might have about the microdot method or vasectomy reversal surgery in general. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with the best vasectomy reversal specialists in NYC.